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FOAMER APPLICATION IN A 36” GAS PIPELINE: A SUCCESSFUL CASE OF LIQUID UNLOADING Claudio Passucci , Alberto Di Lullo, Paolo Omarini, Marco Montini -

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Claudio Passucci , Alberto Di Lullo, Paolo Omarini, Marco Montini - eni Francesco Pitassi , Filiberto Placca, Mario Grippo - Baker Hughes Title slide Keep the title brief and to one line? The second line (in smaller type style) is for the date of the presentation – depending on your presentation, you may also need to include Location and/or Presenter’s name/s and Job title if needed – as a such a second line may be used for these purposes. Do not include unnecessary information in your presentation title – starting off with clear and simple messages will set the style and focus the audience for what is to follow.

2 2015 Gas Well Deliquification Workshop Denver, Colorado
Agenda Pipeline deliquification techniques pigging vs foaming Foamer technology Case study Candidate identification and field monitoring Flow assurance numerical study Field trial design and application Field trial main technical and economic outcomes Conclusions Feb 2015 Gas Well Deliquification Workshop Denver, Colorado

3 Drawbacks of liquid accumulation into pipelines
More frictional pressure drops due to a reduced hydraulic section available to the flow (in horizontal pipes) Increased back pressure due to hydrostatic head in the vertical sections (i.e. risers, pipe line to shore) Risk of severe slugging (in risers) Liquid surges may jeopardize production and also affect the integrity of the equipments (overpressure, carry-overs,…) Corrosion by the presence of stagnant water I vantaggi della deliquification sono simili a quelli che si hanno per applicazioni in pozzi Feb 2015 Gas Well Deliquification Workshop Denver, Colorado

4 Pipeline deliquification techniques
PIGGING Advantages Able to remove almost all the settled liquids Able to remove solids Proven technology Drawbacks Operator reluctance (stuck pigs) May be unfeasible due to unpiggable lines, geometric constraints or absence of pig traps Induce a large and sudden liquid surge FOAMING Advantages Not intrusive Done while producing at the normal rate Limited risk of causing liquid slugs Drawbacks Less efficient than pigging (cannot remove deposited solids & all the settled liquids) Proven for wells, just few pipeline applications Need of a defoamer to prevent any foam carryover to the process Confronto tra pigging (tecnologia consolidata) e foaming. Sottolineare che le applicazioni di foamer in pipeline sono poche rispetto a quelle in pozzo che sono note e comuni Feb 2015 Gas Well Deliquification Workshop Denver, Colorado

5 Foamers working principle: surfactant
Lowers density of the liquid droplets Droplet size reduced by lowering surface/liquid surface tension Feb 2015 Gas Well Deliquification Workshop Denver, Colorado

6 Pipeline deliquification: the case study
Offshore gas brown field in Egypt (Nile Delta Area) Production sharply declining Reported slug issues causing trip of the onshore compression station Lean gas (CGR< 1 bbl/MMSCF) 36”, 31 mi (50 km) pipe line transporting raw gas from A-platform to the onshore process plant Not pigged for long time: excessive risk of stuck pig Candidate for Foaming Trial I triangoli sono subsea wells, I quadrati sono piattaforme Non c’è processo offshore, separation e boosting è a terra (process plant) Feb 2015 Gas Well Deliquification Workshop Denver, Colorado

7 Pipeline deliquification by Foaming - Workflow
Feb 2015 Gas Well Deliquification Workshop Denver, Colorado

8 2015 Gas Well Deliquification Workshop Denver, Colorado
Pipeline deliquification – before the trial Data collection (fluid composition, gas/liquid rate, pressure and temperature, pipeline ID, etc…) Installation of dedicated instruments (portable PT gauges and gas flow meters) 2 Pressure loggers (1 on A-platform, 1 Onshore) 1 ultrasonic gas flow meter (slug catcher gas outlet) Pressure logger Ultrasonic flow meter Feb 2015 Gas Well Deliquification Workshop Denver, Colorado

9 Pipeline deliquification: hydraulic study
Perform a hydraulic study OLGA™ dynamic multiphase simulator (version 7.2) Check the fluid-dynamic (hold-up, pressure, gas velocity, etc…) Estimation of the amount of settled liquids INPUT DATA Average Gas rate: 100 MMSCFD Gas sp. Gravity (air=1): 0.550 Average Water rate: 190 – 380 bbl/d Pipeline length: 31 mi Pipeline ID: 34” ¼ Outlet pressure: PSI Inlet temperature: 86 ºF Feb 2015 Gas Well Deliquification Workshop Denver, Colorado

10 Pipeline deliquification - hydraulic study
Main outcomes: The pipeline contains almost bbl of liquids (mainly water) The max. expected reduction in inlet pressure for complete deliquification is about 14.5 PSI (1 bar) In alto, profili. Il max gain in pressione è la differenza tra la P calcolata e il minimo della curva. Questo perchè la parte a sinistra della curva dipende dalla idrostatica. Feb 2015 Gas Well Deliquification Workshop Denver, Colorado 10

11 Chemical Selection & Characteristics
Selected in the lab by foaming and defoaming column test The foamer agent selected is an aqueous/alcohol solution of surface active components. It can be used via batch or continuous application to treat gas wells & pipes Main characteristics: PRODUCT F1 Pour Point ºF (ºC) -5 (-21) Capillary approved/Temp tolerance ºF (ºC) 180 (82) Combination/Type (CI or SI) No Flash Point ºF (ºC) 86 (30) pH comment Effective foamer for heavy brines and high condensate levels. Extensively used in onshore and offshore Europe Feb 2015 Gas Well Deliquification Workshop Denver, Colorado

12 Pipeline deliquification – the trial
Foamer injection at A-platform Rate: 4.4 gph, volume: 530 gal - 5 days injection Defoamer injection onshore: Rate: 5.5 gph, Volume: 1320 gal - 10 days injection System monitoring by ad hoc portable instrumentation Liquid sample at slug catcher outlet Check for absence of foam Flow meter a ultrasuoni (non intrusivi). PT, portable gauges Feb 2015 Gas Well Deliquification Workshop Denver, Colorado

13 Pipeline deliquification – production increase
Peak gas rate Estimated prod. increase L’area tra le due linee (quella tratteggiata e quella continua) è il guadagno del foamer. Dopo il foamer il declino è più steep perchè dovuto al duplice effetto della deplition e del ri-accumulo di acqua in linea. Una volta finito l’effetto del foamer il declino riprende lo stesso trend di prima del test. Feb 2015 Gas Well Deliquification Workshop Denver, Colorado

14 Pipeline deliquification: main outcomes
Gas production peak: 5.3 MMSCFD (+5%) Average production increment of about +2.5 MMSCFD with respect to the expected production decline. Backpressure reduction 7.25 PSI (0.5 bar) immediately after the test, effect visible for about 3 weeks Cumulative production increased 53 MMSCF (+2.2%) KPI: 30 MSCF/gal of chemicals (foamer + defoamer) Feb 2015 Gas Well Deliquification Workshop Denver, Colorado

15 Pipeline deliquification: conclusions
Foamers are effective in reducing the liquid loading in raw gas transporting pipelines A successful application on a 36” x 31 mi pipeline has been performed by eni in Egypt Hydraulic studies have been a key factor for the candidate selection and design of the chemical treatment The pressure reduction has led to an increased gas recovery of about 53 MMSCF (+2.2%) over 3 weeks Continuous treatment would further increase the profitability by optimizing chemicals consumption Feb 2015 Gas Well Deliquification Workshop Denver, Colorado

16 2015 Gas Well Deliquification Workshop Denver, Colorado
Copyright Rights to this presentation are owned by the company(ies) and/or author(s) listed on the title page. By submitting this presentation to the Gas Well Deliquification Workshop, they grant to the Workshop, the Artificial Lift Research and Development Council (ALRDC), and the Southwestern Petroleum Short Course (SWPSC), rights to: Display the presentation at the Workshop. Place it on the web site, with access to the site to be as directed by the Workshop Steering Committee. Place it on a CD for distribution and/or sale as directed by the Workshop Steering Committee. Other use of this presentation is prohibited without the expressed written permission of the author(s). The owner company(ies) and/or author(s) may publish this material in other journals or magazines if they refer to the Gas Well Deliquification Workshop where it was first presented. Feb , 2015 2015 Gas Well Deliquification Workshop Denver, Colorado

17 2015 Gas Well Deliquification Workshop Denver, Colorado
Disclaimer The following disclaimer shall be included as the last page of a Technical Presentation or Continuing Education Course. A similar disclaimer is included on the front page of the Gas Well Deliquification Web Site. The Artificial Lift Research and Development Council and its officers and trustees, and the Gas Well Deliquification Workshop Steering Committee members, and their supporting organizations and companies (here-in-after referred to as the Sponsoring Organizations), and the author(s) of this Technical Presentation or Continuing Education Training Course and their company(ies), provide this presentation and/or training material at the Gas Well Deliquification Workshop "as is" without any warranty of any kind, express or implied, as to the accuracy of the information or the products or services referred to by any presenter (in so far as such warranties may be excluded under any relevant law) and these members and their companies will not be liable for unlawful actions and any losses or damage that may result from use of any presentation as a consequence of any inaccuracies in, or any omission from, the information which therein may be contained. The views, opinions, and conclusions expressed in these presentations and/or training materials are those of the author and not necessarily those of the Sponsoring Organizations. The author is solely responsible for the content of the materials. The Sponsoring Organizations cannot and do not warrant the accuracy of these documents beyond the source documents, although we do make every attempt to work from authoritative sources. The Sponsoring Organizations provide these presentations and/or training materials as a service. The Sponsoring Organizations make no representations or warranties, express or implied, with respect to the presentations and/or training materials, or any part thereof, including any warrantees of title, non-infringement of copyright or patent rights of others, merchantability, or fitness or suitability for any purpose. Feb , 2015 2015 Gas Well Deliquification Workshop Denver, Colorado

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