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E.N.T. Dr Katie Bleksley GPST1.

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Presentation on theme: "E.N.T. Dr Katie Bleksley GPST1."— Presentation transcript:

1 E.N.T. Dr Katie Bleksley GPST1

2 Aims Coverage of the common conditions affecting the throat presenting to General practice.

3 Objectives Recognise the following conditions and know how to manage / refer to secondary care Sore throats Foreign bodies Bleeding post-tonsillectomy Hoarseness

4 Sore throat 70% Viral vs. 30% Bacterial – usually clinically indistinguishable DDx: Viral Bacterial tonsillitis +/- quinsy EBV

5 Sore throat: Ix Ix usually not done
Swabs not felt to be useful (can’t distinguish commensals from infecting organisms, expensive, delayed in getting result)

6 Sore Throat: Rx Analgesics, inc fluids intake, gargle salt water
Antibiotics?? Benefits of ABx: sl dec risk of some complications (quinsy, OM) but not RhF or acute GN Risks of ABx: S/Es, resistant organisms, encourages re-attendence for sore throats

7 Sore throat – when to give ABx
CENTOR criteria (3/4 of … suggests give ABx) h/o fever Absence of cough Cervical LNs Tonsillar exudate Or if significant comorbidities Or if Gp A haem strep isolated

8 Tonsillitis

9 Tonsillitis Management Analgesia – aspirin gargles
Penicillin V 500mg qds +/- metronidazole (erythro/clarith if pen allergy), treat for 10days Maintain hydration Dysphagia ?retropharyngeal abcess Quinsy (peritonsillar abcess) Systemic upset / Dehydration

10 Quinsy

11 When to refer for tonsillectomy
Recurrent tonsillitis (>5 per yr for 2y) Recurrent quinsy Obstructive Sxs Chr tonsillitis >3 mo with hallitosis Unilat tonsillar enlargement ? malig

12 Glandular Fever

13 Glandular Fever Infectious Mononucleosis Suspect in teenagers and young adults with sore throat lasting >1 wk Malaise LNs/spleen Palatal petechiae and rash Exudative pharyngitis (+/- white membrane)

14 Glandular Fever Rx Ix: FBC (atypical lymph) and monospot (maybe neg).
Rx: rest, fluids, paracetamol, aspirin gargles (if >14y). Treat secondary infection with ABx. Counsel pt about ongoing Sxs (several months), avoiding contact sports. Don’t give ampicillin / amoxil for sore throat

15 Foreign Bodies in the Throat

16 Foreign bodies in the Throat
Various types fish / chicken bones dental plates Features Pain on swallowing Tender neck Respiratory problems Fever

17 Foreign bodies in the Throat
Management ABC’s Assess swallowing Look Close inspection Good light Good tongue depression ? Attempt removal ? Refer all, except those with mildest symptoms Advise to return if not settling in 24 hours Animal bone –urgent removal

18 Bleeding post tonsillectomy

19 Bleeding post tonsillectomy
Usually recurs 3-10 d post-op. Management Refer all immediately Augmentin IV

20 Hoarseness DDx: Neurol /Local causes Local causes:
Acute: laryngitis, shouting Chronic: vocal cord nodules, functional, reflux malig Hoarseness >3wks refer to ENT to r/o malig

21 Summary We have covered:
Sore throats: when to give ABx, when to consider EBV, what complications to look out for Foreign bodies: very low threshold for referral, and urgent referral if animal bone. Bleeding post-tonsillectomy: refer to ENT Hoarseness: refer if >3wks

22 Questions ?

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