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AIM Parent Meeting Welcome!

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Presentation on theme: "AIM Parent Meeting Welcome!"— Presentation transcript:

1 AIM Parent Meeting Welcome!
Please sign in by filling out a contact information sheet. Be sure you have a Parent Primer. (One copy per family, please!)

2 Introducing… Mr. Walshire– Principal MES AIM Staff Parents
Kristin Kao: , ext. 3916 Gail Sinkus: , ext. 4914 Nancy Stream: , ext (MES) , ext (MMS) Parents

3 The AIM Program Qualifying/criteria Reading for grades 3 – 5
Middle School Enrichment Accelerated math Cluster grouping

4 Why do we have AIM classes?
The “gifted brain” operates with the same principles as all brains, however… Craves novelty Processes more rapidly Remembers more easily Makes connections earlier The search for meaning develops earlier Will thrive with appropriate pace, depth, complexity and interest

5 Focus of AIM Classes One year of progress for each year of school
Appropriate struggle; grit & mindset Risk taking Habits of mind Curriculum: CCSS, 21st Century SkillsAbove and Beyond Lifelong learning Social/emotional support Foster and encourage learning, perseverance, growth -- over intelligence

6 Giftedness Positives….and negatives! Social/emotional aspects
Characteristics Development- asynchronous Extroversion and introversion Intensity; overexcitabilities Perfectionism Underachievement Academically ELA: sophisticated language; open-ended projects; activities that require critical thinking, re-reading, discussion, and argument Math: creative problem solving; application across situations; deep understanding; communication

7 Kid’s Gripe: No one explains what being gifted is all about!
Struggle for parents: what to say fosters elitists the “gifted” word assume gifted kids innately reflect and understand egalitarian view: everyone is gifted in some way Difficult conversation, but children need to have some understanding of their exceptionalities

8 Tips from some experts George Betts: gifted 24/7; positive, nourishing environment; find group of like-minded peers who are passionate about similar things Joy Lawson Davis: don’t focus on negative perceptions; find those who support and understand your uniqueness; prove the naysayers wrong; take risks; persevere Jim Delisle: children are more than the sum of their abilities; acknowledge and embrace intensities; explore their passions; teach self advocacy; gifted children become gifted adults

9 Three more Jean Peterson: learn to ask for help; discuss social and emotional life; struggle develops resilience and confidence; process (the doing) is as important as product (what is produced); achievement level does not predict future success Karen Rogers: know thyself; help them navigate the world of school; foster teamwork and collaboration; seek service opportunities; think about the education pathway Deb Douglas: not what you do, but who you are; being better at some things does not make you better than others; not all gifted people are alike; giftedness is a good thing!!

10 Opportunities Advocacy Northwestern, National Louis
Gifted Conference in February Talent Search: Northwestern, Johns Hopkins, Stanford, Duke Davidson: profoundly gifted;

11 Resources Websites/Organizations Books/publications
Hoagies at Illinois Association for Gifted Children (IAGC) National Association for Gifted Children (NAGC) Books/publications Many resources on our shelves! “Parenting For High Potential” from NAGC You Know Your Child Is Gifted When… FREE Download at

12 You Know Your Child Is Gifted When…

13 At the end of the day… Balance Appropriate challenge
Advocate for your children “The surest path to positive self-esteem is to succeed at something which one perceived would be difficult.” ~Sylvia Rimm

14 Thank you… For entrusting us with your child as he or she enters the AIM program. For working with us as partners for your child’s education. For advocating appropriately for your child. For being here tonight. Kristin Kao, Gail Sinkus & Nancy Stream

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