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Senator Training Student Government Association

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1 Senator Training Student Government Association

2 Conor Wadle Isaiah Villarreal
Secretary of the Senate Major: Political Science Hometown: Springfield, MO Isaiah Villarreal Sergeant at Arms Major: Human Resource Hometown: Austin, TX

3 Senator Responsibilities
Come to Senate! Every Tuesday at 5:30 in PSU 313 Be ready for great discussions! Come to Committee Meetings Times differ by committee Head start your own projects! Represent your students/organizations Show them resolutions Tell them about events Share their ideas

4 SGA Resources SGA Cabinet SGA Senate Outlook Group
Shared Messaging System Calendar Senator Resource Binder Bring this to Senate with you! Pro tip: Keep your placard in there SGA Cabinet Our job is to be a resource to you. Use us!

5 Senator Opportunities
Serve on a committee that develops projects for students. Attend meetings with administrators. Serve office hours with other senators. Start projects YOU want to see happen!!

6 Parli Pro Basics

7 Robert's Rules of Order Currently it is in the 11th edition.
Used widely in the United States. Rules of order adopted as parliamentary authority for use by a deliberative assembly. Recommended readings Roberts Rule in Brief The back of the Senators Placard

8 Origins Derives from the rules of English Parliament.
The basic idea is that rules are needed to be in place so that assembly bodies still have the freedom to act. Robert’s Rules of Order allows for there to be a standard for how meetings should be run.

9 Agenda Tells what is going to happen during that meeting.
Things on the Agenda: Open forum- speakers coming to speak, everyone has speaking rights. Reports- committee heads tell what is going on in their committee, and what projects they are working on New Business and Old Business- SB- Senate Business: read, discuss, debate, vote on day of. GB- General Business: read, discuss, vote on later (When in old business). Announcements Adjournment

10 Parli Pro Basics Must be recognized by the chair in order to speak and must address the chair to speak “Thank you Madam Speaker” Only one main motion can be discussed at a time. If a subsidiary motion/ amendment is brought to the floor it must be resolved before going back to the main motion. Remember debate ideas not personalities.

11 Main Motions It is a formal way to bring an idea, proposal, or plan of action before the group in an orderly fashion. Raise placard and when recognized say “I move that…” The motion has to be seconded (meaning another person agrees with you). Then the speaker will restate it or rule it out of order, then call for discussion. Most motions call for a second, but there are a few exceptions.

12 Other Motions Subsidiary Motions Privileged Motions Incidental Motions
Assist the assembly in treating or disposing of a main motion Privileged Motions Does not deal with the main motion at hand but with matters of specific immediate importance Recess Adjourn Incidental Motions Point of Order

13 Discussion on a Resolution
Allows for clarification on the resolution at hand. This is a great opportunity to learn more about the resolution so when in debate, the time allotted for the debate will not be cluttered with Points of Information. Only asking questions! There is no argumentative questions allowed. We discuss ideas in Senate, not individuals.

14 Debate Starts with a PRO from the author/sponsor of the resolution.
Then a CON from any one who wishes to voice his or her opinion. If there are no CONS then it can go back to a PRO. Debate keeps going until someone motions for previous question or calling the question and then a vote takes place, or a move to limit debate

15 Calling the Question Calling the Previous question
Asking to end debate and voting on whether or not it is time to vote All it requires is a Second by another member of the Senate and 2/3 vote of the Senate Body Not debatable

16 Amendments They can happen at any point, during discussion or debate.
An amendment changes the wording of the proposal. There can only be one amendment going on at one time to change one thing. It has to be seconded. An amendment requires a majority to pass, ½ plus 1 An amendment is debatable. If the proposer says the amendment is friendly, there is no debate or a vote on the amendment.

17 Voting Has to meet quorum.
½ plus 1 of the people have to be present for a vote to happen. Then speaker calls for “all in favor”, “all opposed”, and then “any abstentions”. To abstain from voting it means that you decline to vote for or against the motion. Special occasions, like adjourning a session or approving the minutes, the speaker can call for a unanimous consent.

18 Methods of Voting Voice Standing Roll Call Secret Ballot

19 Tips Always address others by their title and after you get called say, "Thank you Madam Speaker.” and then go into what you were going to say. During debate use your thumb as an indicator. Thumbs Up- Support or Pro Thumbs Down- Oppose or Con Thumbs Sideways- Point of Information or Question

20 The Power of the Gavel One Tap Two Taps Three Taps Series of Taps
Follows the announcement of adjournment Competition of business item Members be seated Two Taps Call meeting to order Three Taps All members stand Series of Taps Restores order to a meeting

21 Vocab Point of Information: Generally applies to needing more information from the speaker or sponsor of the resolution. Point of Order: Infraction of the rules, improper decorum in speaking. Previous Question: Closes debate and moves the session voting. (It has to be voted on). Suspend the Rules: Allows a breaking in the rules of parliamentary procedure for a short period of time. Point of Privilege: Allows member to make a comment about Senate environment or a statement

22 Follow SGA Student Government Association @MoStateSGA @MoStateSGA

23 Questions?

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