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Dynamic Planet Module Review

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1 Dynamic Planet Module Review

2 Bending of a wave due to changes in its velocity
Convection Reflection Subduction Refraction

3 Structure a scientist builds in his or her mind
Physical model Conceptual model Mathematical model Numerical Model

4 Fastest kind of seismic wave
P wave S wave R wave Surface wave

5 Model a scientist constructs in his or her mind
Physical model Conceptual model Mathematical model Numerical model

6 Process that consumes ocean crust where two plates meet
Subduction Trench Convection Refraction

7 Seismic wave that cannot travel through liquids
P wave S wave R wave Tsunami

8 The oceanic crust is ______ than the continental crust
Thicker Thinner Less dense Smaller in area

9 The Earth’s crust and mantle:
Have the same chemical composition Have the same thickness Have different densities Have no boundary between them

10 The part of the Earth that is made of high-temperature liquid iron
Outer core Inner core Mantle lithosphere

11 Mantle ___ plays an important role in moving Earth’s plates
Conduction Convection Refraction Liquefaction

12 New crust is formed and spreads apart at
Transform fault boundaries Convergent plate boundaries Subduction zones Divergent plate boundaries

13 One plate slides past another horizontally at:
Transform fault boundaries Convergent plate boundaries Subduction zones Divergent plate boundaries

14 The __ of an earthquake is the point on the Earth’s surface above the ________
Epicenter/focus Focus/epicenter Refraction/epicen-ter Refraction/focus

15 An earthquake on the sea floor can produce:
Magma Subduction Tsunamis Tornadoes

16 What name did Alfred Wegener give to his theory of horizontal movement of the Earth’s crust?
Continental drift Isostasy Plate tectonics Sea-floor spreading

17 What name did Wegener give to his proposed single supercontinent?
Eurasia Gondwanaland Panthalassa Pangea

18 Which of the following kinds of evidence did Wegener use to support his theory?
Distributions of fossil plants and animals in the ocean Geographic fit of the continents Pattern of earthquakes and volcanoes along the “Ring of Fire” All of the above

19 Why did most scientists of the 1920’s reject Wegener’s theory?
The concentration of continents in the Northern Hemisphere Lack of a mechanism for continents to plow through oceanic crust The Earth was thought to be too young for such movements Wegener was not a geologist by training and so his ideas were ignored

20 The San Andreas Fault in southern California is an example of a boundary between:
Two plates that are colliding Two plates that are moving apart Two plates that are sliding past one another Continental lithosphere and oceanic lithosphere

21 According to plate tectonics, new lithosphere is added to plates at a boundary between:
Two plates that are no longer moving Two plates that are moving apart Two plates that are sliding past one another Continental lithosphere and oceanic lithosphere

22 What is the term used for molten rock within the Earth?
granite pumice lava magma

23 The Earth’s lithospheric plates move at speeds that average:
5 meters per year 5 centimeters per year 50 meters per year 5 kilometers per year

24 Most earthquakes occur:
In the middle of plates At the poles Very deep within the Earth Along plate boundaries

25 Structure a scientist builds to represent something else
Computer model Conceptual model Mathematical model Physical model

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