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Centre Number Artist - Mark Burke

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1 Centre Number 71987 Artist - Mark Burke
Unit 3 Working to a Project Brief


3 In Derry, one of the earliest commissions occurred when the architects of Altnagelvin
Hospital – the firm of York, Rosenberg and Mardall – commissioned “Princess Macha” by F E McWilliam and the huge mural “Four Seasons” by William Scott. We went up to Derry one afternoon to have a look at all the murals that we could find. We didn't just look at the murals in hospitals but also in the Bogside. This was so that we could see a variety of different examples of murals.

4 “In 1961 William Scott Completed a mural for Altnagelvin Hospital
“In 1961 William Scott Completed a mural for Altnagelvin Hospital. The work measured 9 x 45 feet. o When we visited Altnagelvin hospital we were allowed to look at the artwork that decorated the inside of the building but we were not allowed to photograph it ourselves. This was because of the strict copy write procedures that the trust had to follow. It was also important because of patient confidentiality. Fortunately we were able to get an image of Scott’s mural on the internet.

5 Murals in my local environment
As part of my exam research myself and another classmate who was also looking at murals went around Strabane and Derry. We photographed all of the murals that we came across. We did this because although they were not ion hospitals they were still murals. We wanted to see what kind of imagery was successful in a mural. We discovered that simple well drawn brightly coloured images worked best. I decided to apply this to my final piece. Murals in my local environment

6 Bogside artists

7 Murals of landscapes that I came across in Derry.

8 Here I was trying to build images that were in relief so that I could imagine how my final piece would look.

9 Samples made with clay

10 Hugh Gallagher making my final piece
Mr Gallagher is a local ceramic artist who I worked with in unit 1 and 2. He helped me make my final piece. making my final piece

11 painting my final piece

12 Final piece in context

13 Evaluation UNIT: 3 What was your brief ?
Our brief was called “building for life”. I choose to complete the brief that was given in the exam paper which was to design a mural for a hospital which I used as my starting point. However I did make some changes to suit my plans which were that I made a ceramic mural and my scale plan is not a2 as it is slightly larger in order to incorporate successfully all of the features within my mural. The brief asked me to look at heathly living which I believe I did successfully. Did you produce an effective final piece? I believe that I produced a very effective final piece. The bright colours and shapes highlighted the benefits of healthy eating and taking exercise are bold and eye catching and would work very well in an out patients waiting area. I even went to a hospital to see the artwork there as well as ing an artist who has murals in a hospital to see what she thought was important. Calculate how much time, cost of final piece? It took me about 20 hours to make my final pieces the cost of my final piece was 20 x £5.00 = £100 manual labour Bag of clay : £4.52 x 2 = £9.04 System 3 acrylic paint = £ £1.00 glaze = £114.19 Because my final piece was only a scale version the final product would be three times the size, hence three times the cost therefore making the final costing approximately £342 Did you use the most effective materials, techniques and processes? Yes I did use the most effective materials and techniques because I tried out different materials such as card and clay before I used them on my final piece. I also tried out some different painting techniques on to some practice tiles of clay before I used the techniques on my final piece.

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