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Marriage, Parenthood and Families

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1 Marriage, Parenthood and Families
Chapter 17 Marriage, Parenthood and Families

2 Marriage Def: Is a life long union between a husband and a wife, who develop an intimate relationship.

3 Responsibilities of marriage
Love Commitment: agreement or pledge to do something. Compromise (Not getting your way all the time) Emotional Intimacy

4 Developing your Relationship
Emotional Maturity Mature love Vs. Infatuation ????? Discuss important issues Write down 3 issues What is the #1 issue facing marriages today?

5 Teen Marriages Teens face a lot of changes both physical and mental
Thinking and behavior changes not yet complete (Still want to be with friends and party) New and difficult stressors. Page 412

6 Factors for a Successful Marriage.
Emotional Maturity The ability to compromise. The ability to communicate effectively Good conflict resolution skills.

7 Reasons People Don’t Get Married.
Marriage is not for them. Career oriented. Not willing to make the necessary compromises.

8 Divorce and Remarriage.
Separation-When a married couple lives apart for a while. Divorce-is a legal end to a marriage. *Can be a painful process for everyone involved.

9 Reasons for Divorce Communication Problems grow if not dealt with
Unfulfilled Expectations Marriage cant change habits of partner Different Financial habits.

10 Impact of Divorce Teens Change in relationship w/ parents.
Emotional stress Abandonment Remarriage Not done healing from divorce Resentment New family a threat.

11 Section 2 Parenthood

12 Responsibilities of Parents.
That Means You Not Your Parents Nothing in life is more joyful and meaningful as having a child. Nothing in life is more exhausting than having a child. This child is completely dependent on YOU

13 Family Planning *Parenthood can be rewarding and exciting, BUT ISN’T EASY. If married couples do not want to start a family they can use contraceptives. Contraceptives-a device that prevents the fertilization of an egg.

14 Responsibilities Before Birth
Mother and father have to change bad habits before during and after pregnancy. Mother and father are responsible for mental and emotional support for at least the first 18 yrs of the child's life. Parents must make sure child is safe.

15 Responsibilities Cont….
Parents are also responsible for food clothes and medicine. Healthy parenting requires disapline as well as love. Discipline: the act of teaching a child through correction, direction, rules and reinforcement. ***Children learn from parents actions***

16 Section 3 Families

17 3 Main functions of a family
Families provide: Influence our emotions Help shape our character Develop individual identities Install moral values

18 Types of Families Nuclear – A family in which a mother, a father, & and one or more children live together.

19 Blended Family- A family that results when divorced or widowed parents remarry. The parents and their respective children from previous marriages live in the home together.

20 Single-Parent Family-
A family in which only one parent lives with children in the home.

21 Extended Family- An emotionally close family that includes relatives outside the central family unit.

22 Adoptive: Adults are given permanent guardianship of a child.
Adoptive/Foster Adoptive: Adults are given permanent guardianship of a child. Foster: A family houses and takes care of child for a period of time. (Not perm)

23 What Makes a Healthy Family?
Healthy families are ones where members of the family learned to deal with and cope with problems and grow stronger because of them.

24 How families have changed?
1960’s – working father & mother stayed at home. Today most women work in addition to being a mother. More single-parent families because of high divorce rates. More blended families Smaller families because of the expense of raising children

25 Characteristics of a Healthy Families
1). Respect for Family Members 2). Shared Responsibilities 3). Good Communication 4). Emotional Support 5). Ability to Manage Change

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