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Presentation by: Miss Tadlock’s Second Grade Class

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1 Presentation by: Miss Tadlock’s Second Grade Class 2006-2007
Parts of Speech Presentation by: Miss Tadlock’s Second Grade Class

2 A noun names a person, place, or thing.
A noun is a naming word. A noun names a person, place, or thing.

3 The bell is very large. Bell is a noun. ~Zencorey

4 The school is a great place to learn. School is a noun. ~Deja

5 The fish is red. Fish is a noun. ~Alex

6 The boy is running too fast on the sidewalk. Boy is a noun. ~Armonee

7 The car is fast. Car is a noun. ~Tyran

8 A verb tells what the noun does or is doing.
A verb is an action word. A verb tells what the noun does or is doing.

9 She is walking on the sidewalk. Walking is verb. ~Humberto

10 Mrs. Tripp is typing on the computer. Typing is a verb. ~Tatyana

11 The boys are playing basketball. Playing is a verb. ~Alexis

12 The girls are jumping Jumping is a verb.

13 The wind is blowing the tree. Blowing is a verb. ~Michael

14 He is hanging upside down on the monkey bars. Hanging is a verb
He is hanging upside down on the monkey bars. Hanging is a verb. ~Isaiah

15 The girls are washing their hands. Washing is a verb.

16 Adjective An adjective is a describing word.
An adjective describes the noun.

17 The mustang is a dirty, white car. Dirty and white are adjectives
The mustang is a dirty, white car. Dirty and white are adjectives ~ Matthew

18 These kids are fun. Fun is an adjective.

19 The eyes on the book are purple and round
The eyes on the book are purple and round. Purple and round are adjectives ~Autumn

20 The playground is colorful. Colorful is an adjective. ~Jamarius

21 The sun is bright. Bright is an adjective. ~Audrey

22 The bus is large and yellow. Large and yellow are adjectives. ~Ashley

23 The school is a big, brick building. Big and brick are adjectives
The school is a big, brick building. Big and brick are adjectives ~Bernardo

24 A pronoun takes the place of a noun.

25 He is a tall man. He is a pronoun. ~Chris

26 They are learning to read and write. They is a pronoun.

27 She is writing a story. She is a pronoun. ~Xavier

28 They are all friends. They is a pronoun. ~Kira

29 They are playing on the playground. They is a pronoun. ~Luis

30 Do you know your parts of speech?
We hope you learned something! THANK YOU FOR VIEWING OUR PRESENTAION!

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