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Civilisation des Etats-Unis-8 Social Protection and Health Care

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1 Civilisation des Etats-Unis-8 Social Protection and Health Care
Prof. Sämi Ludwig Université de Haute Alsace Mulhouse (France)

2 Prof. Sämi Ludwig Université de Haute Alsace Mulhouse (France) 1 Social Protection: How It Works - safety net, Democratic presidents  1930s FDR (Franklin D. Roosevelt)  1960s LBJ (Lyndon B. Johnson) A. Social Security for elderly, unemployed, disabled 1935 Social Security Act = entitlements - old-age, disability pensions and unemployment - Medicare B. welfare for poor (no health insurance!) - Medicaid - food stamps ≠ entitlements, temporary measures

3 Prof. Sämi Ludwig Université de Haute Alsace Mulhouse (France) C
Prof. Sämi Ludwig Université de Haute Alsace Mulhouse (France) C. Employer Coverage 1942 businesses desperate to attract new workers  offer attractive health care packages - health as a business: average $400 a month  choice of insurance plans  risk segmentation: higher premiums - retirement plans based on individual capitalization  pension funds on Wall Street (e.g., Calpers)

4 Prof. Sämi Ludwig Université de Haute Alsace Mulhouse (France) 2
Prof. Sämi Ludwig Université de Haute Alsace Mulhouse (France) 2. An Imperfect and Costly Safety Net A. Inadequacies of the System - not covered: part-timers & small firms (less than 10 = 20%) - usually only one plan per firm (no choice)- quick turnover: you lose job  you lose health insurance!  15%, 48 mio have no health coverage - take a chance on good health (follow TV ads) - postpone treatment - relatively low life expectancy, high infant mortality - until 1999: no government-provided maternity leave - hospital stay for birth = 48h (4-5 days in France) - unpaid leave: 12 weeks for medical reasons Also very sophisticated medicine: many Nobel Prizes!

5 Prof. Sämi Ludwig Université de Haute Alsace Mulhouse (France) B
Prof. Sämi Ludwig Université de Haute Alsace Mulhouse (France) B. A Costly Business - 17% of GNP to health care - not efficient, costs skyrocketing!  federal govt. foots 45% of bill! (Medicare in 1970: $6 billion; 2012: $500 billion…) - “baby boomers” retire: in 2030: 2 working for one retired - very expensive drugs (price manipulations) - old GM: $1200 per vehicle  bankrupt! C. HMO (Health Maintenance Organizations)  for-profit organizations run like a business  own doctors, limited list & treatments  primary care provider = “gatekeeper”

6 Prof. Sämi Ludwig Université de Haute Alsace Mulhouse (France) - PPO (Preferred Provider Organization)  less and less independent doctors - fear of malpractice suit:  high doctor’s insurance = high costs!  tendency to “overtreat” - bad reputation: denial of expensive treatment  “gag rule” for medication, doctors’ moral dilemma! - improve preventive care D. Obamacare = PPACA (Patient Protection Affordable Care Act)  Republicans against Hilary Clinton’s “socialized medicine! - passed, but sign-up problems!

7 Prof. Sämi Ludwig Université de Haute Alsace Mulhouse (France) 3
Prof. Sämi Ludwig Université de Haute Alsace Mulhouse (France) 3. The Dismantling of the Welfare State generosity vs. self-reliance  responsibility, poor are not victims 1980s: Ronald Reagan on “welfare queens”: reduce benefits! - Social Security stays untouched  lobby of elderly! welfare reform (Clinton): 1. federal block grants to States  more freedom 2. only welfare if you actively look for jobs  community service? Single moms? 3. reduce welfare benefits after 2 years, cut after 5 years 4. immigrants ineligible for welfare  more ask for citizenship! Encouraging employment, but many low-level jobs

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