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HR Time Collection System

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1 HR Time Collection System

2 Time Collection System Overview
Types of Time Collection Devices (TCD) Kaba web clock Kaba wall clock Time Collection System Types of Time Collection Devices (TCD) Kaba wall mounted Wall mounted device with a proximity ID reader built-in and onscreen instructions to clock In/Out. Proximity access ID badges are used to clock In/Out Kaba web clock Allows employees to track time using the Kaba web clock application, accessible through the MYPACK PORTAL. NCSU ID # is used to clock In/Out

3 Basic Punch Employee Responsibilities
Be on time for scheduled work activity Clock In/Out on the Kaba clock device (specified by the supervisor) Web clock and/or Wall clock Follow the onscreen instructions to punch In/Out Follow department guidelines regarding lunch and breaks Follow department guidelines regarding missed punches Notify the supervisor immediately if unable to punch In/Out of a Kaba clock device. Please note any errors or messages displayed on the clock screen. Department Punch Employee Responsibilities Must have a valid All Campus NCSU ID Badge (proximity access) to punch In/Out. Must Punch in at the beginning of every shift and Punch out at the end of every shift. Must scan the NCSU ID badge with proximity access and follow onscreen instructions to punch In/Out Multiple job employees must select the specific job then clock In/Out Check with department manager regarding lunch and break guidelines for punching In/Out Notify supervisor immediately if they are unable to punch In/Out, noting any errors or messages.

4 Time Collection System Overview (cont’d)
For those utilizing a Kaba web clock Accessible from the MYPACK Portal through Employee Self Service. (valid unity_ID/password required) (Navigation: Time Reporting->Report Time->Punch Clock) A short-cut web clock icon can be created on the PC desktop A valid unity_ID /password are required for initial shibboleth access/login After 40 minutes of inactivity shibboleth access/login is required Employees with a valid 9 digit NCSU ID # can login to the web clock to punch In/Out. Convenient for employees with access to a computer, laptop, or personal IP device with access to the internet. Time Collection System

5 Kaba Web Clock Enter your 9 digit employee ID# then click OK
The Kaba Web Clock is accessible from the MYPACK PORTAL. The employee will type in their Employee ID and click OK to record time worked. The following slides reflect the login and logout appearance.

6 Kaba Web Clock Employee Name Kaba Web Clock Once the employee types in their Employee ID and clicks OK the next slide reflects a Job Clock In or Job Clock Out opportunity. The screen display is based on the employees last recorded time stamp status and provides them the next option to record time worked (In/Out). In the example the employee is starting work and clocking in. Note: Time Record View will be cover later in the lesson. Click on the “Job Clock In” link at the beginning of your work day or returning after a break.

7 Kaba Web Clock If you have multiple jobs, select the appropriate clock location from the drop down list. Kaba Web Clock Once the employee types in their Employee ID and clicks OK the next slide reflects a Job Clock In or Job Clock Out opportunity. The screen display is based on the employees last recorded time stamp status and provides them the next option to record time worked (In/Out). In the example the employee is starting work and clocking in. Note: Time Record View will be cover later in the lesson.

8 Kaba Web Clock Successful clock punch Kaba Web Clock
Welcome Employee Kaba Web Clock Once the time stamp is recorded the employee receives an acknowledgement screen display indicating the clock punch was successful.

9 Kaba Web Clock Employee Name Kaba Web Clock Once the employee types in their Employee ID and clicks OK the next slide reflects a Job Clock In or Job Clock Out opportunity. The screen display is based on the employees last recorded time stamp status and provides them the next option to record time worked (In/Out). In the example the employee is finishing work and clocking out. Click on the “Job Clock Out” link for breaks or the end of your work day.

10 Kaba Web Clock Successful clock punch Kaba Web Clock
Employee Kaba Web Clock Once the time stamp is recorded the employee receives an acknowledgement screen display indicating the clock punch was successful.

11 Kaba Web Clock Employee Name Kaba Web Clock Once the employee types in their Employee ID and clicks OK the next slide also provides the option to view Time Records. Click on “Time Record View” to begin viewing recorded time. To view historical punch data click on “Time Record View”.

12 Kaba Web Clock Select the date you want to view and click the “View Time” link. Kaba Web Clock The employee can view daily time records by selecting a specific day from the drop down list.

13 Kaba Web Clock Kaba Web Clock The example illustrates a single day worth of time records for the employee. The screen will display punch time information for approximately 1 minute then log the employee out if no other options are selected. Punch time activity for a specific date. When you finish view click “Done”.

14 Time Collection System Overview (cont’d)
Kaba records the actual time stamp (hh:mm) then transfers the data directly into the HR System in 15 minute intervals, starting at the top of the hour. HR System Employee time punch data, is a combination of the In/Out punch totals through out the day. It is processed and paid at the end of each biweekly pay period. Time Collection System

15 Employee Self Service Timesheet View
Employees can view and/or print a copy of their timesheet by navigating to Employee Self Service in the MYPACK Portal. Navigation Path: Main Menu->Employee Self Service->Time Reporting->Report Time-> Display/Print Time Sheet Employee Timesheet View Employees can view their timesheet by navigating to the following location in the MYPACK Portal: Main Menu->Employee Self Service->Time Reporting->Report Time->View Time->Display/Print Timesheet The employee will have to select the “Check Date” they would like to view/print

16 Employee Self Service Timesheet View (cont’d)
The Display/Print Time Sheet panel (below) allows the user to select a specific check date by clicking on the high-lighted search icon, then choosing one of the 26 dynamic biweekly pay periods, (example on the right). After the date is selected then click “Generate Time Sheet” to view and/or print the timesheet. Employee Timesheet View A small percentage of departments across campus are setup for supervisor approval Employees should ask their supervisor if the work duties being performed fall into the approval category Employees who are not set up with supervisor approval will be able to print their time as described above

17 Timesheet Requiring Supervisor Approval
Employee Timesheet (Approval Required) Employees will only be able to print a valid timesheet if the supervisor has approved reported time A message will indicate if the supervisor has approved or not approved reported time Employees should review the message and contact their supervisor if time has not been approved

18 Reported Effort Timesheet
Employee Timesheet (Approval Required) If reported time has not been approved by the supervisor, the employee can review/print an effort report indicating the punch data waiting for approval Simply click the “Print Timesheet” link high lighted in yellow in this example.

19 Reported Effort Timesheet (cont’d)
Employee Timesheet (Approval Required) The effort report indicates the punch data waiting for approval This does not take the place of a valid printable timesheet

20 Approved Timesheet/Employee Certifcation
Employee Timesheet (Approval Required) Employees will only be able to print a valid timesheet if the supervisor has validated and/or approved reported time This message indicates the supervisor has approved reported time The employee will have the option to certify the approved time by checking the box next to the red arrow in this example Follow your department guidelines on certifying your timesheet

21 Timesheet Summary with Project IDs & signatures
Employee Timesheet (Approval Required) Employees will only be able to print a valid timesheet if the supervisor has approved reported time If the employee checks the box it will place their unityID directly on the timesheet as illustrated in this example

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