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Presentation on theme: "Physics."— Presentation transcript:

1 Physics

2 Session Work, Power and Energy - 2

3 Session Objectives

4 Session Objective Gravitational Potential Energy
Potential Energy of an extended Spring Conservation of Energy Force and Potential Energy Relationship Conditions for equilibrium

5 Gravitational Potential Energy
U (H) = mgH (at height H w.r.t : earth) =-W U is a properly of earth + block At height h H h U=mgh KE=1/2 mv2 = mg(H-h) U(h) = mgh KE(h) = mv2 = mg (H-h) E(h) = U(h)+K(h)

6 Potential Energy of an Extended Spring
At maximum extension (spring at rest) Potential energy : spring Kinetic energy : mass M X= M xo M x

7 Conservation of energy of isolated System
System : spring + mass Spring energy E(x) = U(x) + K(x) E,U,K K U x0 - x0 x=0

8 Conservation of energy of isolated System
General Rule For an isolated system, in the absence of non – conservative forces , the total mechanical energy remains a constant

9 Conservation of Energy
Three kinds of energy act on a system : Mutual forces : internal and conservative  work = - PE 2. Mutual forces : internal and non conservative  work changes mechanical energy 3. External forces : Work changes total energy

10 Force and Potential Energy Relationship

11 Condition of Equilibrium of a system under linear motion
Equilibrium along x (1) Equilibrium along y (2) Equilibrium along z (3) x q q = 0 + - U Spring - mass system Linear equilibrium

12 Some useful relations Work done by pressure on a fluid :

13 Power = Rate of Energy transfer
Rate of doing work is power Power = Rate of Energy transfer Nature : scalar Units : Watt(W) 1 W = 1 J/s 1 hp = 746 W

14 Class Test

15 Class Exercise - 1 A body of mass m was slowly pulled up the hill by a force F which at each point was directed along the tangent of the trajectory. All surfaces are smooth. Find the work performed by this force. mgl (b) –mgl (c) mgh (d) Zero l

16 Solution Surfaces are smooth, so no friction exists. The force F is always tangential. Work is done against gravity is conservative. So work done is path independent and equal to increase in potential energy : W = mgh Hence answer is (c)

17 Class Exercise - 2 A particle is moving in a region where
potential U is given by The force acting on the particle is

18 Solution U = K(x2 + y2 + z2)

19 Class Exercise - 3 The potential energy of a particle in a conservative field has the form , where a and b are positive constants, r is the distance from the centre of the field. Then (a) at exists a stable equilibrium (b) at exists an unstable equilibrium (c) at exists a stable equilibrium (d) at exists an unstable equilibrium

20 Solution For equilibrium: To check stability, Putting the value of r,
which is a position of stable equilibrium. So at there is a stable equilibrium. Hence answer is (c).

21 Class Exercise - 6 If the KE of a particle is doubled,
then its momentum will remain unchanged (b) be doubled (c) be quadrupled (d) increase by times

22 Solution Hence answer is (d)

23 Class Exercise - 7 An engine pumps up 100 kg of water through a height of 10 m in 5 s. Given that the efficiency of engine is 60%, what is the power of the engine? 33 kW (b) 3.3 kW (c) 0.33 kW (d) kW

24 Solution Work done = 100 × 10 = 1000 J Hence answer is (c)

25 Class Exercise - 8 A system has two light springs with stiffness k1 and k2 joined in series and hanging from a rigid support. What is the minimum work that needs to be done to stretch the system by a length Dl?

26 Solution At all time the tension T in the two springs is the same. The extension Dl = Dl1 + Dl2 … (i) If we assume both springs are replaced by a single spring of stiffness k: And the minimum work to be done on the system (equivalent spring) is

27 Class Exercise - 9 Find out whether the field of force is conservative, a being a positive constant

28 Solution Consider a particle at origin.
It is taken along the perimeter of unit square as shown in the figure. Total work done on the particle: W = W1 + W2 + W3 + W4 = 0 + a = a acting is not conservative.

29 Class Exercise - 10 A particle moves along the X-axis through a region in which the potential energy U(x) varies as U(x) = 4x – x2. Find the position of the particle when the force on it is zero (ii) The particle has a constant mechanical energy of 4.0 J. Find the kinetic energy as a function of x.

30 Solution F = 0 Þ 4 – 2x = 0 or x = 2m b. Total energy = K(x) + U(x) = 4 J Þ K(x) + 4x – x2 = 4 Þ K(x) = x2 – 4x + 4

31 Thank you

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