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Interdisciplinary Research in Law:   Treaty, Legislative, and Administrative History Research Dana Neacsu.

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Presentation on theme: "Interdisciplinary Research in Law:   Treaty, Legislative, and Administrative History Research Dana Neacsu."— Presentation transcript:

1 Interdisciplinary Research in Law:   Treaty, Legislative, and Administrative History Research
Dana Neacsu

2 Read your research question
Is NAFTA constitutional despite having failed to receive two-thirds Senate approval as required by the Treaty Clause?

3 Preliminary cognitive meta -research 1. Clarify your question. 2
Preliminary cognitive meta -research Clarify your question. 2. Break it into smaller concepts, if it crosses academic subject matters. 3. Do a literature search within each academic subject.

4 Preliminary strategic meta-research
Can you go for the primary source? -treaty -statute -case law Where do you start? What is your jurisdiction? 1.Free of charge databases? 2. Fee-based databases? How do you choose? Who publishes them? Where can you access them?

5 Google Search Finding library guides!
Finding the correct title of the treaty and Statute Hard to find the treaty itself!

6 Library Catalogs Try on your own and pay attention if you cannot find what you need!! Use CLIO to find statutory legislative history

7 Library Catalog Searches; Other Examples
1. Useful to find secondary sources compiling comprehensive treaty & legislative history on point But terminology is key! Compare a search for CEDAW with one for Convention for the Elimination of all forms of Discrimination against Women? 2. Useful to find a starting point (e.g. state statutory history for minimum wage for woemen before 1938); Useful to find THE Legislative History database: Proquest Congressional

8 Westlaw & Lexis Searches
Use WestlawNext to find NAFTA’s comprehensive legislative history and regulatory implementation. Then Use LexisAdvance Use ProQuest and compare the results!

9 Questions? Dana Neacsu

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