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(Part 3 of 4 in section 3.2 “Business Growth”)

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1 (Part 3 of 4 in section 3.2 “Business Growth”)
Organic Growth (Part 3 of 4 in section 3.2 “Business Growth”)

2 Organic Growth? What is it?
Growth – have already talked about objectives – Profit, Revenue, Turnover => A business grows naturally by selling more of its output using its own resources

3 Methods of Growing Organically – remember your Business Strategy…

4 Positives of Organic Growth
Retain Manage-ment control Steady growth = less DoS (?) Choose speed of expansion Knowledge is Power / Play to your strengths Use Scalable Model Cheapest to Finance + no premium payable (as in M&A) No problem with INTEGRATION Control of Risk

5 Disadvantages of Organic Growth?
Inorganic (M&A) Pace too slow – let behind, Miss out on available resources, No EoS at early stage growth, No optimisation of sat IT advantage that might be scalable BUT advantage persists only in Short Term

6 Why stay small? (4th of 4 sections on growth)
Starter: What does Orindi’s do better than Subway? Ownership and service connected (= more care); communication directly to the owner; local business more connected to local issues – traffic, Orindi’s may know SHS well already; owner may not be a profit maximser – large corp will be, personal service, flexibility, change to customers requests, use of space, no corporate policies that may/may not be suitable for local area, small firms may have lower costs (DoS hits early – no national ironing service!), low barriers to entry keeps small firms small due to competition. Small firms (owner) but be able to pay lower wages, small firm can be a (local) monopolist with a Geographic Monopoly. Regulation – no employment legistlation!

7 How can small businesses compete in markets dominated by large businesses?
Examples: – Banking – Metro Bank or Crowdcube - Chocolate – Green and Black (but bought by Cadbury 2005 ), Venezuelan Black, Traidcraft Product Differentiation - USP - Specialisation – E-Commerce – Specialisation – Try and find a chimney sweep  or a VHS Video repair store; ecommerce useful where no EoS (and no ad revenue) – online shop/advertising/online service provision is all scalable.

8 Small businesses in the UK
There were 5.4 million SMEs in the UK in 2016, which was over 99% of all businesses (<250 employees) Micro-businesses have 0-9 employees. There were 5.3 million micro-businesses in the UK in 2016, accounting for 96% of all businesses. Although the vast majority of businesses in the UK employ fewer than 10 people, this sort of business only accounts for 32% of employment and 19% of turnover.

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