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Quiz 1 H G I F E D J C K B A.

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1 Quiz 1 H G I F E D J C K B A

2 Quiz 1 Female reproductive anatomy 1. What is the name of the structure that letter I points to? Urethral (or urinary) opening. 2. Locate the perineum. (letter) __K__. 3. What structure does letter E point to? Labia minora 4. The shaft of the clitoris is located underneath letter __H__. 5. Describe the crura of the clitoris. It may be helpful to sketch the shape of the clitoris, labeling the 3 known parts. The crura are the two subdermal “legs” of the clitoris that extend posterio-laterally for about 3-4 inches, like the two long extensions of a wishbone. The crura are simply elongated extensions of the shaft, which is developmentally homologous to the corpora cavernosa of the male’s penis. Male reproductive anatomy 6. Where is the epididymus located? (number) _6_. 7. Number 11 points to the prostate gland 8. Where is seminal fluid, which comprises 2/3 of the semen, produced? Provide the name seminal vesicles AND the number _2_. 9. What structure runs through the corpus spongiosum? Provide the name urethra OR the number __5__ 10. What is stored within the ampulla of the vas deferens? sperm Locate this region on the diagram. Number __1__ Extra credit (1 pt): Where are the Skene’s glands located and what is the male counterpart (developmental homologue)? They are located between the urethra and the anterior portion of the lower vaginal wall. They are developmentally homologous to the male’s prostate gland.

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