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Energy Smart Communities Initiative

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1 Energy Smart Communities Initiative
The Knowledge Sharing Platform and 2015 Best Practices Award Presented to the APEC Energy Working Group December 15, 2015 Dr. Eugenie Birch, Co-Director, Penn IUR Amy Montgomery, Managing Director, Penn IUR Alon Abramson, Project Manager, Penn IUR

2 Origin and Purpose of ESCI-KSP
Energy Smart Communities Initiative – Knowledge Sharing Platform (ESCI-KSP) Background Concept approved EWG-41, Vancouver (Spring, 2011) Financial support from Chinese Taipei (late summer, 2011) Executed by Taiwan Institute for Economic Research and Penn Institute for Urban Research (Fall and Winter, ) Launched EWG 43, Kuala Lumpur (Winter, 2012) Purposes Help APEC economies meet energy intensity reduction goals of 45% by 2030 from 2005 levels through exchange of best practices, research and development of new products, demonstration projects and metrics Foster the growth of communities of practice: networks of individuals with common interests and goals Provide information to the public about smart transport, buildings, grids, jobs, and low carbon model towns The Center for Economic Planning and Development in Chinese Taipei awarded funding to the Taiwan Institute for Economic Research and Penn IUR at the University of Pennsylvania to develop the Energy Smart Communities Initiative Knowledge Sharing Platform. We developed beta site that we tested at a workshop and at the general meeting of the 42nd Energy Working Group in Kaohsiung, Taiwan. We then responded to the comments received and had the site ready for its official launch at the 43rd Energy Working Group meeting in Kuala Lumpur. Jeff Skeer, former United States representative for the APEC Energy Working Group assembled an extensive network of participants to contribute content. We are working with this group and welcome others to help contribute content to the site. To date, we have populated the ESCI-KSP with hundreds of cases, interviews, publications and the like. The ESCI-KSP has three purposes: 1. provide information to APEC economies about means to meet the energy intensity reduction goals through current information on best practices, new products, demonstration projects and metrics; 2. foster the growth of communities of practice – each pillar and task that Jeff described serves as a communications focal point for specialists and public and private decision-makers involved or interested in the topic -- a great feature when these communities are widely dispersed geographically as are the participants. 3. provide information to the interested public about these topics.

3 ESCI-KSP Organizational Structure
ST ST ST ST-4 Smart Transport SB SB SB SB4 Smart Buildings SG SG-2 Low Carbon Model Towns Smart Grids As I mentioned earlier, the site is organized by Pillars and Tasks. Clicking on one of the pillars will bring you to that pillar’s page that displays all of the tasks. Just to review, they are indicated on the graphic by a simple “code” number that helps us keep track of the tasks: Smart Transport Energy-Efficient Urban Transport Network (ST-1) Energy-Efficient Freight Transport Network (ST-2) Electromobility Survey And Road Map (ST-3) Electric Vehicle Demonstrations (ST-4) Smart Buildings Low Energy Buildings Network (SB-1) Materials Testing And Rating Centers (SB-2) Cool Roof Demonstrations (SB-3) Low Energy Window Demonstrations (SB-4) Smart Grids Interoperability Survey And Road Map (SG-1) Smart Grid Test Bed Network (SG-2) Smart Jobs Energy Efficiency Training Curricula (SJ-1) Energy Efficiency School Curricula (SJ-2) Sister Schools Program (SJ-3) Low Carbon Model Towns The growing network of contributors and participants is organized by pillar and task. Jeff Skeer has developed more than 100 contributors so far – and its growing daily! They represent almost all of the 21 APEC economies. We work to keep them interested and active by sending them periodic updates about the ESCI-KSP, arranging meetings with them and so forth. The success of the ESCI-KSP is dependent on having robust, up-to-date content. That is one of the reasons why we are here with you today. We hope that you will be able either to contribute yourself or lead us to potential contributors. SJ SJ SJ-3 Smart Jobs I I I-3 Industry

4 S – specific M – measurable A – achievable R – relevant T - timely
Smart Best Practice Case Studies Effective case studies show off best practices that are S – specific M – measurable A – achievable R – relevant T - timely

5 Background: 2013 ESCI Best Practices Awards
Established by National Development Council (NDC) and Taiwan Institute of Economic Research (Chinese Taipei) First Best Practices Awards Program announcement at EWG45 in Koh Samui, Thailand Winners announced at EWG46 in Da Nang, Vietnam 2013 Winners Individual Award Project Title APEC Member Gold “Get Downtown"in Ann Arbor United States Silver Solar Cities Program Australia Bronze Car-sharing in Fukuoka, Japan Japan Integrated Award Samui Island Low-Carbon Model Town Thailand Yingge – Waterfront Cultural Town Chinese Taipei National Library Building Singapore The ESCI Best Practices Award Program, was established by NDC and announced at the last EWG meeting in Koh Samui, Thailand. The award was given out earlier today to six winners: three individual and three integrated projects. Individual vs integrated designation was based on whether one or multiple technical methods were used. The award is an exciting opportunity to recognize projects that exemplify best practices for energy efficiency in the five ESCI pillars: smart transportation, smart buildings, smart grid, smart jobs, and low carbon model towns. The award program was designed so that APEC member economies will directly benefit from the competition by encouraging the development of innovative solutions, policies and programs.

6 Cost-effectiveness (10%)
2015 ESCI Best Practices Awards Program The Awards made in the four main pillars ESCI pillars Smart Transport, Smart Buildings, Smart Grids, Smart Jobs and Consumers, and cross-cutting examples of Low Carbon Model Towns of ESCI. Judging considered the cases’ articulation of and compatibility with its goals, its implementation and outcomes. The criteria are: Strategy (30%) Innovativeness (10%) Inspiration (10%) Clearness (10%) Measure (40%) Practicability (10%) Replicability (10%) Cost-effectiveness (10%) Consistency (10%) Performance (30%) Completeness (10%) Verifiability (10%) Impact (10%) Strategy (30%) Innovativeness (10%) Is the policy design innovative which can encourage financial support and public-private partnership? Inspiration (10%) Whether the idea can inspire later/subsequent cases? Clearness (10%) Is the idea based on a clearly identifiable client/customer need? Measure (40%) Practicability (10%) Has an effective strategy for moving ahead been made? Replicability (10%) Could the ideals, methods or techniques be applied internationally? Cost-effectiveness (10%) Is there a measurable cost saving? Will it be cost-effective to implement? Consistency (10%) Are adopted measures consistent with the strategy? Performance (30%) Completeness (10%) Will it make a considerable success in project goals? Verifiability (10%) Is there any data presented to support the project? Impact (10%) Will it make a significant change in the field of energy efficiency and energy saving? Will it impact multiple operational areas or just single specific area?

7 2015 ESCI Best Practices Awards Program
Pillar Case Rank APEC member Smart Transport i3 Travel Project-Promoting Low Carbon Tourism and Intelligent Transportation Services in Sun-Moon-Lake Area GOLD Chinese Taipei Car-free days in Seoul SILVER Republic of Korea Smart Buildings Energy Conservation Campaign at Richmond Stylish Convention Hotel, Thailand Thailand Phyathai2 International Hospital - Energy Conservation in a “Green Hospital" Smart Grids Hawaii Clean Energy Initiative The United States Construction and Establishment of the Smart Micro-grid Demonstration Park in Linbian Township Smart Jobs & Consumers Energy Efficiency Training Program Australia Energy Hog Program Low Carbon Model Towns Yokohama Smart City Project (YSCP) Japan Kashiwanoha Campus City

8 2015 ESCI Best Practices Awards Program
APEC member economy Jury Background USA Dr. Eugenie L. Birch FAICP, RTPI (hon), is Lawrence C. Nussdorf Professor of Urban Research, Chair, Graduate Group of City and Regional Planning, University of Pennsylvania School of Design, co-director, Penn Institute for Urban Research (Penn IUR ) China Dr. Xie Baichen The Associate Professor of College of Management and Economics, Tianjin University. Chinese Taipei Dr. Jyuung-Shiauu Chern The Section Chief of the Bureau of Energy, Ministry of Economic Affairs Japan Mr. Shinji Ishii Director for Natural Resources and Energy Research, Agency for Natural Resources and Energy(ANRE), Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry(METI) Mr. Takato Ojimi President, The Asia Pacific Energy Research Centre (APERC) New Zealand Mr. Robert Tromop The international consultant to the energy sector and has vast experience and knowledge in energy issues and across Asia-Pacific and Europe working with the IEA, UN and APEC Singapore Mr Toh Eng Shyan Director, Building and Construction Authority (BCA) Thailand Ms. Munlika Sompranon Senior Policy and Planning Analyst, DEDE, Ministry of Energy

9 i3 travel innovative intelligent interesting
Smart Transport- Gold i3 Travel Project-Promoting Low Carbon Tourism and Intelligent Transportation Services in Sun-Moon-Lake Area i3 travel innovative intelligent interesting

10 Smart Transport - Silver Car-free days in Seoul

11 Smart Buildings- Gold Energy Conservation Campaign at Richmond Stylish Convention Hotel, Thailand

12 Smart Buildings-Silver Phyathai2 International Hospital – Energy Conservation in a “Green Hospital“

13 Smart Grids-Gold Hawaii Clean Energy Initiative

14 Smart Grids-Silver Construction and Establishment of the Smart Micro-grid Demonstration Park in Linbian Township

15 Smart Jobs and Consumers-Gold Energy Efficiency Training Program

16 Smart Jobs and Consumers-Silver Energy Hog Program

17 Low Carbon Model Towns-Gold Yokohama Smart City Project (YSCP)

18 Low Carbon Model Towns-Silver Kashiwanoha Campus City

19 Thank You Dr. Eugenie Birch
Principal Investigator, Co-Director, Penn Institute for Urban Research Amy Montgomery Managing Director, Penn IUR Alon Abramson Project Manager, Penn IUR

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