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Troubled Time for Texans

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1 Troubled Time for Texans

2 After the Alamo Scout, Deaf Smith, brought Susanna Dickinson to Sam Houston She shared the events of the Alamo and Santa Anna was on his way to Gonzales Houston had less than 400 volunteers and they lacked training, guns and ammo Houston knew small army was not ready to face Santa Anna

3 After the Alamo Houston sent message to Fannin to destroy Goliad and add his 500 men to Houston’s army Houston ordered a tactical retreat Houston left Gonzales and burned the town so it was no use to Santa Anna Houston destroyed river crossings to slow Santa Anna’s troops down Houston trained his army as he moved northeast

4 Houston’s Retreat By March 17, Houston’s army was 600
Houston taught basic skills to fight as a unit Many were angry with Houston for retreating Houston learned Mexican forces were moving east into Anglo Texas Houston received news that Fannin and his troops would not come to help

5 Goliad Massacre Mexican General Urrea attacked Fannin/troops
Fannin surrendered and asked that the Mexicans expel his troops from Texas rather than put them in prison Fannin and his men returned to Goliad under Urrea’s control On March 27, Fannin’s unarmed men were marched outside Goliad and executed 340 died; 30 escaped in the confusion

6 Runaway Scrape Before Goliad, most Texans thought of Santa Anna as sly and clever Now people, including Americans, looked at the executions as an atrocity News of Houston’s retreat and the Goliad Massacre turned fear into panic Texans fled their homes as Santa Anna approached – entire towns emptied Mass movement is the “Runaway Scrape”

7 Goliad Massacre

8 Goliad Massacre March 1836

9 Goliad Massacre Fannin surrendered to Urrea March 1836

10 340 unarmed men executed Goliad Massacre Fannin surrendered to Urrea March 1836

11 Santa Anna now seen as cruel and brutal 340 unarmed men executed Goliad Massacre Fannin surrendered to Urrea March 1836

12 Santa Anna now seen as cruel and brutal 340 unarmed men executed Prompts “Runaway Scrape” Goliad Massacre Fannin surrendered to Urrea March 1836

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