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Oral Cavity & Cx - High in South

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Presentation on theme: "Oral Cavity & Cx - High in South"— Presentation transcript:

1 Oral Cavity & Cx - High in South
CANCER Occurrence Stomach - High in Japan Breast High in USA Oral Cavity & Cx - High in South East Asia

2 INDIA Increasing Increasing Ca - One of 10 leading causes of death Commonest ut. Ca Cx - Poor Pre & Post natal case Poor genital hygiene Paan Chewing - Tobacco related in both sexes 75% in mouth, Pharynx, Larynx Oesophagus, Lung is only 15%

3 Tobacco - Commonest - Lung - 10 fold higher
Aetiology Multifactorial Tobacco - Commonest - Lung - 10 fold higher Poly cyclic Oral acvity hydro carbon Oesophagus Cyclic N-nitrosamma Kidney Bladder Pancreas Cx Stomach & Leukemia

4 Occupational CANCER Epithelioma of Scrotum - in Chimney sweeps
Bladder - Aniline dye workers - Benzidine Bone Sarcoma - Dial Painters - Radium Lung, Pl

5 Environmental Pollution
Urban air pollutant - Poly Clinic hydracarbon Ionizing radiation - Very low - risk Ultra violet radiation - comic rays Diet & Alcohol - Dietary fat - risk factor in breast & Colon Ca

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