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SEXUAL BULLYING occurs when one student is targeted by another with unwanted words, actions, or media images about sex.

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Presentation on theme: "SEXUAL BULLYING occurs when one student is targeted by another with unwanted words, actions, or media images about sex."— Presentation transcript:


2 SEXUAL BULLYING occurs when one student is targeted by another with unwanted words, actions, or media images about sex.

3 Some examples of sexual bullying include:
Big tits! Making unwanted jokes, comments, or taunts about sexual body parts.

4 I think they are gays. Teasing about sexual orientation or starting rumors about sexual activities, like calling someone “gay”.

5 Passing unwanted notes or pictures about sex.

6 Engaging in physically intrusive behaviors,
such as brushing up against someone,

7 grabbing someone in a sexual way or forcing someone to engage in
unwanted sexual behaviors.

Nobody likes to be picked on There are things you can do to stop yourself or else from being bullied: Speak up against bullying, by saying something like “stop it.”

9 Walk away. Act like you do not care,
even if you really do.

10 Tell an adult you trust. They may have ideas about what you can do.

11 Stick together. Staying with a group might help.

Stop and think about what you are doing. If someone did the same thing to you, would you be hurt?

13 Remember that making others feel bad is wrong.

14 Talk to an adult you trust
Talk to an adult you trust. They may have good ideas about what you can do to stop the bullying.

15 Stop it! HAVE YOU SEEN BULLYING? You can help stop sexual bullying.
If it is safe, say something like,“Stop it!” Stop it!

16 Tell an adult who you trust, like your teacher.
You can tell them in person or leave them a note.

17 Be a friend to the person who is being bullied.
You can still help the kid who is being bullied: Talk with them. Sit with them at lunch Play with them at recess.

18 Set a good example. Do not bully others.
Stop Sexual Bullying Call for support: SEXUAL BULLYING STOPS HERE

19 For Stopping Sexual Bullying
Q & A For Stopping Sexual Bullying SEXUAL BULLYING STOPS HERE

20 What should you do when you are being bullied? ( or )
1 Walk away. 2 Say “Stop it!” 3 Tell an adult you trust. 4 Keep silent. 5 Stick together.

21 What should you do if you are a bully? ( or )
2 Make someone feel fearful of you. 1 Put yourself in others’ shoes. 3 Apologize. 4 Talk with an adult.

22 What should you do when someone is being bullied? ( or )
2 Set a good example. 1 If it is safe, speak up. 3 Be a bystander. 4 Tell an adult. 5 Be a friend to the person who is being bullied.

23 Let's Stop Sexual Bullying Now!
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