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Dr. Sally Everett and Steve McDonald

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1 Dr. Sally Everett and Steve McDonald
Using ‘Human Books’ to Embed Equality, Diversity and Inclusion into our Curriculum Dr. Sally Everett and Steve McDonald

2 Context and background
“We will create a distinctive university that is entrepreneurial in nature, strongly focused on our students and fully inclusive of all who want to study, work or partner with us.” (ARU Strategic Plan 2017) “The learning environment should be as inclusive as possible, so that the need for individual interventions is the exception, not the rule (BIS, 2016) May and Bridger “making a shift of such magnitude requires cultural and systemic change at both policy and practice levels” (2010: 2) Leading by example: Disability Working Group & #BeInclusive We must engage and include the needs, interests and aspirations of ALL students (Hockings, 2010)

3 Equality and Equity

4 An equal society & curriculum (what we are fighting against?

5 Where do we need to be Active learning: In small groups look at the last slide and draw what you think the next picture should look like, feeding back your rational to the whole group

6 Where we need to be: removing the barriers

7 Being different doesn’t mean less value

8 Overcoming personal barriers

9 To be inclusive, no one should be excluded
It is "imperative on institutions that they design their curriculum in such a way as to promote success among all students", … "by focusing on the design process it is possible to take a wider and more holistic view that is based on the recognition that all students are entitled to a quality learning experience". (Morgan and Houghton, 2011:5)

10 The business school’s response
All staff conference on inclusive curriculum with experiential workshops in 2016 Strategic focus of the faculty’s Student Advisory Board (September 2016 priority) Funding secured for two inclusive media labs (this afternoon’s presentation!) Grant to support training and conversion of learning materials by students (for students) Development of audio visual media ‘Human Books’ and a new Equality, Diversity and Inclusion module

11 Approach and evaluation
Staff survey following all-staff conference – 100% positive and the student voice proved powerful Ten students employed to convert materials (the work, understandings of accessible learning materials; the challenges of the task, skills gained; and what they are taking from it). In-depth interviews with students involved Interview with students using inclusive media lab and developing the ‘Human Book’ videos Run two Human Books sessions Future: focus groups to assess impact

12 Students as partners Students acknowledged changes in their own attitudes and understandings Development of additional employability and future life/work skills

13 Student attitudes and understandings
“I think working individually helped me on this as it wasn’t a team based project and we had to do it on our own and I was using my initiative - that has improved that skill and using initiative in me. The project was a really good idea as through these things we can make documents more accessible to students who are not able and making documents more available to all students” (Shaz)

14 “Before the project, I didn't know people had difficulties
“Before the project, I didn't know people had difficulties. I had heard the words ‘colour blind’ and ‘dyslexia’ but didn't know how we could make it accessible” (Sharmin) “It raised my awareness to disabilities such as dyslexia, and motivated me to be an assistant in the progression of the project” (Konan)

15 Employability and business skills
“It has helped in building my confidence in critically analysing the work of others higher that my level without compromise and some sort of independence” (Joy). “I feel that I have helped with a noble project which requires time, efforts and dedication for the achievement and success of disabled students” (Konan) “So it’s definitely impacted my future goals in that I want to get immersed into all aspects of accessibility, not just electronic” “It will help me to develop websites for different people, we need to know people can't access it so I can make sites make more sense to them” (Sharmin).

16 Active Learning In small groups think about your own practice and identify where the challenges are for inclusive practice. Identify which areas you believe are important to address in your practice and write a pledge that you would like to make to your practice to incorporate change

17 Human books and EDI project
What were the most asked questions about the human books? How they will be created and used? “The bar has been set high with the honesty expressed, which has really made me think about my own beliefs and behaviour” (Nadia).

18 Human books and EDI project
Engaged with Student Services and students to develop an EDI module incorporating the human books through guest lectures on EDI and collecting student feedback Pilot sessions with staff and students in Chelmsford and Cambridge – honest and open conversations about lives and challenges “I didn’t realise that my, values, beliefs, unconscious bias and attitudes made me see different people to me negatively at times” (Jordan).

19 Human books and EDI project
Overwhelming amount of interest in both the Human Books and the new Level 5 Equality, Diversity & Inclusion module Students have started to explore the area for their dissertations #LAIBSEDI – use the hashtag to flag something for the module

20 The challenges and lessons learned
“The problem was the academics!” (Sharmin) “Having to wait for the IT team to activate the drive …and because it was during the summer holiday, most of the academic staff were on vacation. This made the pace of work slow” (Joy) More training on the software Greater understanding of how learning materials are being used

21 Wider impact and feedback
Part of the wider ARU #BeInclusive campaign Feedback from conference papers (CABS, tomorrow HETL (!) and keynotes invitations HEFCE innovative practice guide (includes us!) EDI module adoption: university wide breadth module? Learning materials for new Canvas LMS Cultural shift and awareness Students and SU ‘calling it out’ and holding us all to account! Student intern project CATE finalist award

22 Summary and future plans
“I think this project should be generalised to more faculties and institutions in order to create equal chances for learning” (Konan). Inclusive curriculum is thinking about the diversity of ways students manage self, others, information and the task to ensure all students can develop their own set of achievements (Yorke and Knight 2006)

23 Any questions?

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