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What does a good Disability Community Plan look like?

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Presentation on theme: "What does a good Disability Community Plan look like?"— Presentation transcript:

1 What does a good Disability Community Plan look like?
Phil Madden, EASPD, May 2008, Sarajevo

2 Involves all stakeholders
1. Has a context of values Involves all stakeholders Is linked to overall community planning

3 Something that delivers
2. Something that delivers “Constant and committed dedication to achieving small, sustained victories” That makes sure the right services are delivered. If a plan is not translated into reality, it is not really a plan.

4 The right services mean:
The right PROCESS – peoples voices being heard The right OUTCOMES

5 Community Planning and the Political Process
3. Community Planning and the Political Process Plan has to link to the political process Not a separate manifest / wish list To be accountable to “the people” To have legitimacy / authority to be operational

6 To have the money to deliver
To argue for change Part of the lobbying process (recent Leonard Cheshire Report).

7 Linking to the political process does not mean passive planning
4. Linking to the political process does not mean passive planning Politicians are elected to govern. This is continuous, not one-off. Officials are employed to deliver the right services. This too is continuous.

8 Disability community planning is organic and continuous.
5. So both politicians and officials must be involved in continuous engagement. The will of the people is in the daily retail, not just the one-off election. Disability community planning is organic and continuous.

9 Role of Municipal / other authorities is on a continuum
6. Role of Municipal / other authorities is on a continuum Direct delivery Better direct delivery Specific performance targets UK Disability Equality Duties

10 7. Pump Priming Capacity Building Seeking out inarticulate voices

11 Delegation of Authority
8. Delegation of Authority The UK Individual Budgets movement Disabled people know best Delegation can be abdicated

12 But all based on a commitment to participation and involvement
9. Of ALL Stakeholders People with disability (individuals and groups) Families Service Providers Professionals Officials Politicians


14 What does a good Disability Community Plan look like? (continued)
11. What does a good Disability Community Plan look like? (continued)

15 Needs to have a STRUCTURE
Cover a period of time 5 year Strategic Plan 3 year review Annual targets

16 Needs to be specific What will be delivered By whom
12. What will be delivered By whom How (including Budget) When Why Would a martian understand?

17 Must not be over complicated
13. Must not be over complicated Or too long / or too glossy UK experience of learning disability registers Avoidance behaviour Written in easy to read language

18 Must be Transparent Widely circulated Widely available
14. Widely circulated Widely available The habits of secrecy and superiority. Design and delivery should reflect general style. Participative User led

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