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Care of the Senior Voice

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1 Care of the Senior Voice
For Harmony University 2016, Barbershop Harmony Society By Steve Scott, MM, MA

2 Questions What happens to the voice as it ages?
Are vocal problems inevitable? Are vocal problems preventable? Can I recover age-related voice issues? When should I stop singing?

3 Class overview 1- Structure and Function of the singing voice
2- Developmental changes 3- Characteristics of the aging voice 4- Impact of health on vocal health 5- What to do? 6- Open to questions

4 Overview The Larynx The structure of singing voice Cartilages
Thyroid Cricoid Epiglottis Arytenoids Coriniculate Cuneiform Intrinsic Muscles CT PCA LCA TrA / ObA TA Extrinsic 11 Muscles

5 Overview Sound Production Power Source Vibrating Source Resonator

6 Senior Voice Aging Process
Difference between chronological and biological age You really are only as old as you feel

7 Age-related Factors Muscle Atrophy Neuromuscular Mucous Membranes
Loss of muscle fiber density Loss of elasticity Results in bowed folds Neuromuscular Central nervous system slows Mucous Membranes Decrease in mucous secretions Joint Surface Erosion Can get arthritis in the larynx joints too!

8 Age-related Factors Lung Capacity Aging bodies Cartilage Ossification
Intercostal muscles experience atrophy too At age 75, respiratory efficiency can be ½ of a 30-y.o. More residual air Aging bodies Become stiff and less mobile Cartilage Ossification Thyroid and cricoid begin changing in the early 20s Reduced blood flow Injuries more likely

9 Related Aging Issues Obesity GERD (gastroesophageal reflux disease)
Hypothyroidism GERD (gastroesophageal reflux disease) Pharyngeal acidity (due to food and drink) Medications Many are drying Serious Illness Surgeries more frequent Intubation tube length matters!

10 Hearing Conductive Loss Sensorineural Loss
Prevent transfer to inner ear Affects the ability to monitor one’s voice Arthritis in ossicles (tiny ear bones) Ear infections Sensorineural Loss Problems in inner ear (cochlea, auditory, brain) Noise-induced hearing loss Headphones, etc

11 Sound and Intensity Source Intensity Threshold of Hearing 0 dB
Rustling Leaves dB Whisper dB Normal Conversation dB Busy Street Traffic dB Vacuum Cleaner dB Headphones at max level dB Front row of a rock concert dB Threshold of Pain dB Military Jet Takeoff dB Instant Tympanic Membrane Perforation 160 dB

12 The Aging Larynx Healthy, young larynx Aging Larynx Vocal Fold atrophy
Muscle strength loss Vocal Fold bowing

13 Hormone Loss Hormones affect secretions Difference in sexes
Saliva, glandular Difference in sexes Men Testosterone production decreases Can raise voice pitch Women Estrogen production decreases Testosterone production stays constant Can lower pitch

14 Vocal Quality Less supple folds Change in timbre Loss of high notes
Loss of intensity Change in timbre Breathiness, huskiness Extrinsic muscles often “help” closure

15 Menopause Age 40-58 Stages: pre-, peri-, post-
Vocally unstable period for women Range adjustments necessary for many singers Many experience a new vocal stabilization – different from youth, but reliable

16 Vibrato What it is Vibrato and age Rate Extent Tension-related
Extrinsic muscles Neurological Tremor Rate is too fast Sometimes related to palsy  treatable with medication Wobble Rate is too slow Extent can be affected

17 Prevention/Restoration
Stay fit! Stay hydrated Sleep well Nutrition Sing regularly Speak well Professional help Medical Clinical

18 Medicine What you ingest makes a difference! Check your meds:

19 Pros of the Senior Singer
Vast stores of life experience Expressive capabilities Healthy voices can sing A LONG time

20 Daily Exercises All exercises should focus on efficient vocal fold closure Semi-occluded vocal tract exercises Lip trills Tongue trills “V” Hand over the mouth Straw Straw in water Speech Connection Moan Creaky voice Staccato Consonant Help G, Y, M, N, B

21 Steve Scott

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