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1 Colonization-Constitution

2 Colonial Differences/Regions
Southern Region-Warmer and more humid climate allowing for agricultural growth. New England Colonies- Cold, rocky soil and short growing season. Eventually leads to industrial differences between the North and South.

3 Who Settles Where? VS. Virginia Joint Stock company
New England is established on the other hand for religious reasons. Puritans and Pilgrims come to practice their faith. The Puritans were not religiously tolerant people, which eventually led to the Salem Witch Trials and caused people to question the church. Virginia Joint Stock company VS. Jamestown, VA Jamestown-first American settlement was settled for economic reasons. Was seen as a business venture. People wanted to come over, find gold, and get rich.

4 Religious Rebels Roger! They being EXTRA. Killing “Witches.” It’s time to go for real. They’re trippin. Roger that! William. Models of disobedience such as, William Penn and Roger Williams rose up in society speaking out against the Puritan faith. William Penn ended up creating the middle colony of Pennsylvania, while Williams created the New England colony of Rhode Island.

5 Causes of the Revolution
Wars cost money, Great Britain starts taxing colonist after the War. In addition the King tries to pacify the Native American’s to keep any other further conflicts from happening. French and Indian War-fought between Great Britain and France over territorial rights in North America. The proclamation of 1763 is issued as an agreement between the King and Native Americans that settlers will not cross west of the Appalachian mountains. This infuriates the setters.

6 Causes of the Revolution
In response, to taxes and the Boston Massacre, the colonist organize a protest that becomes known as the Boston tea party. Colonist dressed up as Native Americans and dumped tea into the Boston Harbor. Colonist be like… Committees of Correspondence Hey, Mid Col! What’s up? NE We r going 2 dump Into the Bstn harbor tell south Sons of Liberty and Daughters of Liberty are groups that are created to develop protest against the British taxes. Sons of Liberty are responsible for Boston tea Party. The Committees of Correspondence allows the colonial regions to communicate protest information to one another and starts to create solidarity. Bet, we will let the southern colonies know. Good we have the Committees 2 talk. After the Boston Tea Party, Great Britain and King George passed what became known as a series of intolerable acts. These acts were served as punishment for the colonist actions but also only fueled the fire more towards pushing the colonist to rebel. I know otherwise it’d be hard 2 communicate and keep everyone in the loop. New England! Ttyl.

7 Declaration of Independence
The colonist wanted a seat at the table if they were going to be paying taxes and since they were not having a say in how they would be governed they proclaimed the famous words “no taxation without representation.” Thomas Jefferson issued the greatest break-up letter in the history of man, the Declaration of Independence after the many events previously discussed could no longer be tolerated. The words in the Declaration had been inspired by the Enlightenment thinker, John Locke’s previously stated idea that the people should be able to overthrow an oppressive government and every person has the certain rights to life, liberty, and the pursuit of property.

8 American Revolution Summed Up
Valley Forge-Extremely cold winter. George Washington stayed with his troops and this is the time when Marquis De. Lafayette provided military expertise and training to the same continental army who defeated General Lord Cornwallis at the battle of Yorktown. Lexington and Concord-1st battle of Revolution. Considered the shot heard around the world. Continental Army (Colonist) France The battle of Saratoga-Turning point of the war, after this decisive colonial victory, the French are convinced to join forces with the colonist and support their revolution against Great Britain.

9 Articles to Constitutional Conversation
Because the colonist were fearful of falling prey to a dictator such as a King or Queen like they had in the past, under the Articles of Confederation the central government had little to no power. The central government was not allowed to intervene in a crisis situation. It was up to states to handle all matters on their own but when Shay’s Rebellion took place and angry farmers rebelled against taxes and farm foreclosures, the state was unable to control the rebellion on its own. In the end, it caused everyone to question the Articles and start questioning whether the central government should be strengthened leading to the Constitutional Convention of 1787. After the colonist beat Great Britain and the Treaty of Paris of 1783 was signed they became the United States of America. The first document that served as the law of the land was known as the Articles of Confederation. Will you Farmers stop all that ruckus!

10 Concluding Thoughts

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