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Fishbourne Palace Hunter McConville.

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1 Fishbourne Palace Hunter McConville

2 Boring Pics

3 Background Historical Info
Fishbourne Palace most likely began as a base of military operations “At the time of the (Claudian) invasion, which may have entered Britain through Chichester Harbors, military store buildings were erected, followed by what may have been a military headquarters building. By AD60” – (Fishbourne Project, Sussex Past) Mentioned in Mattingly – “the presence of a campaign base below the villa at Fishbourne” (100)

4 Background Historical Info Cont.
“Excavation and other research suggest that it was possibly the home of a local client king, Tiberius Claudius Togidubnus. He was probably a direct descendant of Verica, king of the local tribe, who sought help from Emperor Claudius, thus precipitating the Roman invasion of Britain in AD43” – (Sussex Project) There is also a less accepted theory that it was the home of Roman diplomats or other high ranking Government officials.

5 Cool Pics “Fishbourne Roman Palace … (has the) largest collection of in-situ mosaic floors in Britain.” Most of which were believed to have been laid during construction, making them the oldest in Britain!!!!

6 Quick Archaeological History
Discovered in the 1960, by accident. They weren’t looking for anything cool they just happened to be putting in a water main They kind of screwed it up, thanks to construction Multiple excavations since then, chiefly throughout the 90’s and early 00’s Uncovered multiple “layers” of the palace, which indicate that it underwent several periods of construction since the original building 2.3 hectares (5.6 acres) makes it the largest domestic Roman structure found in Britain

7 Political Effects (Romanization)
Client King Relationship “Roman people’s old and long-standing policy of making even kings their agents of enslaving peoples” (Tacticus, Agricola) Efforts of Roman Colonization Assimilation of British people

8 Now for the Comprehension Quiz (JK Lol / bad joke)
As we’ve seen, especially in recent readings, the Roman’s go to great pains to integrate/assimilate ‘conquered’ peoples into ‘civil’ society (i.e. Building a palace at Fishbourne). In what was did this Roman Overhaul backfire ?

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