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Scientific Method Notes

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Presentation on theme: "Scientific Method Notes"— Presentation transcript:

1 Scientific Method Notes

2 What is the Job of a scientist?

3 To answer questions about the world!


5 What are we supposed to right down?

6 The Steps to the scientific method.
Write Down what steps you remember, you should start with a Question.

7 Question Hypothesis Experiment Conclusion What types of questions do you answer during your day using these steps?

8 Question – Development of a Question
Is your question safely testable? Do you have all the materials necessary to answer it? What is your Independent Variable? (Cause) What are your Dependant Variables? (Effect) What Variables are Controled? (The Same for each set up)

9 2. Hypothesis – What is your prediction of the results?
If… Then statement (If I don’t turn in my work, then I will receive a zero on the assignment. Is it testable?

10 3. Experiment – Exact directions on how to replicate your procedure.
Include all information about controlling variables! Set up graphs and data tables to record results. Record Results

11 4. Results & Conclusion – A written expression of the conclusions you can draw from your experiment.
Paragraph form Start by summarizing the experiment. (We tested _____ in this experiment by …) Accept or Reject your hypothesis ( I have to ________ my hypothesis because… ) Use recorded data to support your conclusions.

12 Mythbusters Scientific Method Clip
Homework: Mythbusters Scientific Method Clip Watch the Mythbusters on this link & pause to answer the questions given during the clip. Be ready to share & discuss on 8/28/14

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