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Introduction to Computing

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1 Introduction to Computing
Dr. Nadeem A Khan

2 Lecture 5

3 Components of IDE The visual basic is made up of a number of components Menu bar Tool bar Project explorer Properties window Form layout window Toolbox Form design etc.

4 IDE Menu Bar Tool Bar Form Toolbox Form Designer Properties Window
Form Layout Window Project Explorer

5 Assignment 2 Part I- Design a VB application which closely resembles the provided sample application (both in functionality and in appearance)

6 Assignment 2 (Contd.) Part II- Write Pseudocode and draw Hierarchy chart for the following problem: A list has various items to be bought along with their quantities and rates. Items have to be bought in the same order and in complete quantities as they are listed. Available money for buying these items is Rs Problem is to determine and display how many items can be bought and the remaining balance.

7 Toolbox Picture Box Label Control Text Box Frame Control
Command Button Check Box Option Button Combo Box List Box Horizontal Scroll Bar Vertical Scroll Bar Drive List Timer Control File List Box Directory List Box Line Object Shape Object Image Object Data Control OLE Control Toolbox

8 Introducing Controls Label: To display information
Textbox: To get information Command Button: To initiate action (by clicking) Picture Box: To display text or graphics

9 Notice: Friday’s Class in the BSc. LAB-1

10 The Label Information (text) is displayed only A few properties
Name Caption Width Height Font BackColor ForeColor Tryout the Label Walkthrough

11 The Textbox Information can be typed in at run time A few properties
Name Height Width Text Font BackColor ForeColor Multiline Tryout the Text Box Walkthrough

12 The Command Buttons For initiating an action by clicking
A few properties Name Caption: Ampersand (&) can also be used Width Height Font BackColor Tryout the Command Button Walkthrough

13 The Picture Box To display text or graphics A few properties
Name Picture Width Height Autosize BackColor Tryout the Picture Box Walkthrough

14 The Form Object Max/Restore Caption Title Bar Close Button Min Button
Control menu Border

15 The Form object Window for designing the user interface
A few properties: Name Caption Width Height BackColor BorderStyle Left Top StartUpPosition MaxButton MinButton Picture

16 Setting Properties Setting free text properties Select the property
Type the new value Press ENTER or select a different property.

17 Setting Enumerated Properties
The ENABLED properties can only be TRUE or FALSE. There are properties that have more than 2 possible values. These are represented by ENUMERATED properties.

18 Example For example to select the Start up position of a Form can be selected by RIGHT CLICKING on the arrow facing downward and toggling through all the possible values.

19 Setting Properties with Property Pages
Some properties are more complex than others. Some properties require the use of property pages to select a value from them. An ellipse appears on the right of the property if it has a property page. One such example is the FONT property.

20 Font Property Page

21 Today’s Lecture was based on
David Schneider: Chapter 3: Section 3.1 Steve Brown: Chapter 2: p39 - p51 Scott Warner: Chapter 1: Section 1.4

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