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Introduction to Model School & the Tiered Fidelity Inventory (TFI)

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1 Introduction to Model School & the Tiered Fidelity Inventory (TFI)

2 91% of 161 Applicants Awarded MS Status
Model Schools 91% of 161 Applicants Awarded MS Status 52 % awarded Gold 15 % awarded Silver 25% awarded Bronze Model School banners, stickers and certificates were ordered upon DC confirmation of award- levels and should take about 6 weeks to arrive.

3 Overview Prerequisites 15-16 Application Resources Q&A
Mid year PIC (Fall, Spring) End Year BoQ (no changes) ODS including equity profile TFI (just tier 2, 3) Walkthrough 15-16 Application Resources Q&A

4 Page 2: Required for Model School applicants
Pre-requisites: Outcome Data Summary Equity Profile only required if applying for Model Schools; due 6/15/16 Page 1: ALL schools Page 2: Required for Model School applicants

5 Pre-requisites: Outcome Data Summary Equity Profile

6 Pre-requisites: Outcome Data Summary Equity Profile

7 Pre-requisites: Outcome Data Summary Equity Profile

8 Pre-requisites: Outcome Data Summary Equity Profile

9 Tiered Fidelity Inventory: Tier 2 & Tier 3 Domains
Data will be considered as part of your model school application. TFI vs BAT This is where we add some text comparing and contrasting the new TFI and the old BAT Administration/Timing The time to complete the TFI depends on (a) the experience that the team and coach have with the process, (b) the ex- tent of preparation for TFI completion, and (c) the number of tiers assessed. School teams new to the TFI should schedule 30 min for Tier II, and 30 min for Tier III. If team leaders have assembled relevant sources of information prior to the meeting, and, if the team and coach have already completed the TFI at least twice, the time required for implementation may be approximately 15 min for each tier. Outcomes Criteria for scoring each item of the TFI reflect degrees of implementation (0 = Not implemented, 1 = Partially implemented, 2 = Fully implemented) Tier II: Targeted SWPBIS Features, and Tier III: Intensive SWPBIS Features. Administration of the TFI produces two scale scores: Percentage of SWPBIS implementation for Tier II, and Percentage of SWPBIS implementation for Tier III, as well as subscale and item scores for each tier. The subscale and item reports are produced to guide coaching support and team action planning.

10 Completed by a peer PBIS:MTSS Coach or District Coordinator
Walkthrough Completed by a peer PBIS:MTSS Coach or District Coordinator

11 15-16 Application Changes Why?! What?
Expectations for FLPBIS model schools evolve in response to: Recent research and our understanding of PBIS implementation The needs of FL students based on outcome data Feedback from applicants and DCs What? Increased emphasis on student outcomes, fluency and mastery of problem-solving, and effective tiered behavioral supports Question 1: Improved ODR,OSS, ISS outcomes Increased expectations for addressing disproportionate discipline Question 2: Equitable disciplinary outcomes Outcomes associated with tier 2 and tier 3 systems of support Question 3: Effective tier 2 behavior systems Question 4: Effective tier 3 behavior systems Removed requirement for artifacts but schools are agreeing to follow-up via TA specialists ( s, phone interviews, etc.).





16 Implications for Districts and Schools during the 2015-2016 School Year
Ensure access to data needed to complete Equity Profile as part of the Outcome Data Summary Encourage all schools to begin accessing the School Equity Profile/ Excel Template to begin exploring potential areas of disproportionality and problem-solving when necessary. Ensure training to complete the Tier 2 and Tier 3 sections of TFI is provided

17 Equity Profile Template
August Online Chat

18 A valid, reliable, and efficient fidelity measure
Implementation Fidelity Data for Tier 2/3 Systems Tier 2 and Tier 3 Sections of the TFI – Tiered Fidelity Inventory Completed by the same team that would’ve completed the BAT Completed at the end of the year (but can be completed more often if desired) Approx. 1 hour to complete (30 min. for tier 2 administration; 30 min. for tier 3) The TFI Will replace the B.A.T. in Florida to evaluate fidelity of implementation of Tier 2 and Tier 3 A valid, reliable, and efficient fidelity measure The TFI is divided into three sections; Tier I, Tier 2, Tier 3 that can be completed separately or in combination The TFI is based on the features and items of existing SWPBIS fidelity measures (e.g., SET, BoQ, BAT) More information about the TFI is available through your PBIS TA contact, and at

19 Purpose of the School-wide PBIS Tiered Fidelity Inventory
The purpose of the School-wide PBIS Tiered Fidelity Inventory is to provide an efficient and valid index of the extent to which PBIS core features are in place within a school. Tier I (Universal PBIS) Whole School Universal Prevention Tier II (Targeted PBIS) Secondary, Small Group Prevention Tier III (Intensive PBIS) Tertiary, Individual Support Prevention

20 Fit with Existing Assessment Instruments
In Florida the School-wide PBIS Tiered Fidelity Inventory (TFI) is intended to fulfill the same functions as the: Benchmarks of Advanced Tiers (BAT) The TFI addresses focuses on those elements of PBIS that are most “core” to achieving student outcomes. There is no problem continuing to use prior measures. The TFI is intended to be more efficient, but other measures may be more comprehensive, and will remain available. This is why we have not yet switched for Tier 1 TFI is meant to be more efficient (fewer items) Follows national trend of use BAT is still valid Use this only for tiers 2/3 Provides a summary of each section with opportunities for reflection/action planning 80% is still implantation criterion WARNING descriptors don’t’ always build off one another- read each descriptor before rating

21 SWPBIS Tiered Fidelity Inventory is a Self-Assessment
Primary audience for instrument results is the team, faculty, families and administrators of the school. Primary purpose of the instrument is to help school teams improve tiered supports

22 Summary Data and Reports
Total Score Subscale Sub-subscale Individual Items Note: Pending Beta Test we continue to use the 80% benchmark at each tier to indicate “implementation at criterion”

23 Subscale Reports

24 Sub-subscale and Item Reports
Tier II Teams Interventions Evaluation Tier III Resources Assessment Support plan Monitoring and adaptation Item Report

25 Administration Protocol
School-wide PBIS Tiered Fidelity Inventory is completed by a school team with a PBIS coach/facilitator. Before Inventory Assessment: Schedule team time and obtain relevant permanent products. You may wish to provide an advanced copy to all team members. During Inventory Assessment: For each item, review purpose, data sources, and standard. All team members vote to whether the item is not implemented, partially implemented, or fully implemented. The majority vote is recorded following an opportunity for discussion. After Inventory Assessment: Conduct action planning to improve or sustain implementation. Enter scores in PBSES.

26 Typical Sequence of Administration
Schedule date and define expectations—time, people, materials Determine at this point which tiers will be reviewed – may want to do Tier 2 and Tier 3 separately Administration of Inventory 30-60 min per tier reviewed Action Plan Development May be done at same time or at a later meeting 20 min per tier reviewed Enter scores in PBSES

27 Possible Pre-Administration Documentation
Tier II Tier II team meeting minutes (last two) Rubric for selecting students for Tier II support Tier II strategy handbooks, or procedures (i.e., CICO) Available Tier II data summaries (if possible for 2 months) Family communication systems Most recent fidelity measures for Tier II strategies

28 Possible Pre-Administration Documentation
Tier III Tier III team meeting minutes (last two meetings) Decision rules for selecting students for Tier III Assessment tools for Tier III (i.e., functional behavioral assessment, mental health, medical records, etc.) Three student support plans (randomly selected) Tier III data summary (last two reports)

29 the essence of the feature
Feature Name Subscale Feature Data Sources Scoring Criteria 0 = Not implemented 1 = Partially implemented 2 = Fully implemented Feature Name: Detailed description of the feature. Possible data sources 0 = descriptors of the feature not being implemented 1 = descriptors of the feature being partially implemented 2 = descriptors of the feature being fully implemented Main Idea: the essence of the feature

30 Quick Check: Feature Name
Reflective question to focus the conversation Self-Assessment Question Documentation Process Product Data Scoring 0 = descriptors of the feature not being implemented 1 = descriptors of the feature being partially implemented 2 = descriptors of the feature being fully implemented

31 School-wide PBIS Tiered Fidelity Inventory
Tier II School-wide PBIS Tiered Fidelity Inventory

32 2.1 Team Composition Subscale: Teams Feature Data Sources
Scoring Criteria 0 = Not implemented 1 = Partially implemented 2 = Fully implemented 2.1 Team Composition: Tier II (or combined Tier II/III) team includes a Tier II systems coordinator and individuals able to provide (a) applied behavioral expertise, (b) administrative authority, (c) knowledge of students, and (d) knowledge about operation of school across grade levels and programs. School organizational chart Tier II team meeting minutes 0 = Tier II team does not include coordinator or all 4 core areas of Tier II team expertise 1 = Tier II team does not include coordinator and all 4 core areas of Tier II team expertise OR attendance of these members is below 80% 2 = Tier II team is composed of coordinator and individuals with all 4 areas of expertise, AND attendance of these members is at or above 80% Main Idea: Tier II team needs individuals with specific skills and perspectives to implement Tier II supports.

33 Quick Check: Team Composition
Are all necessary roles/functions represented on the team? Self-Assessment Coordinator Applied behavioral expertise Administrative authority Knowledge about students Knowledge about school operations Scoring 0 = Tier II team does not include coordinator or all 4 core areas of Tier II team expertise 1 = Tier II team does not include coordinator and all 4 core areas of Tier II team expertise OR attendance of these members is below 80% 2 = Tier II team is composed of coordinator and individuals with all 4 areas of expertise, AND attendance of these members is at or above 80%

34 Item Considerations Tier II team does not need to be large. Even 2-4 people may be sufficient. The key is to ensure that the authority to make decisions exist, and the behavioral expertise is present to guide adaptations.

35 School-wide PBIS Tiered Fidelity Inventory
Tier III School-wide PBIS Tiered Fidelity Inventory

36 3.1 Team Composition Subscale: Teams
Feature Data Sources Scoring Criteria 0 = Not implemented 1 = Partially implemented 2 = Fully implemented 3.1 Team Composition: Tier III systems planning team (or combined Tier II/III team) includes a Tier III systems coordinator and individuals who can provide (a) applied behavioral expertise, (b) administrative authority, (c) multi-agency supports (e.g., person centered planning, wraparound, RENEW) expertise, (d) knowledge of students, and (e) knowledge about the operations of the school across grade levels and programs. School organizational chart Tier III team meeting minutes 0 = Tier III team does not include a trained systems coordinator or all 5 identified functions 1 = Tier III team members have some but not all 5 functions, and /or some but not all members have relevant training or attend at least 80% of meetings 2 = Tier III team has a coordinator and all 5 functions and attendance of these members is at or above 80% Main Idea: Tier III teams need individuals with specific skills and perspectives to effectively provide and implement Tier III supports.

37 Quick Check: Team Composition
Are all necessary roles/functions represented on the team? Self-Assessment Coordinator Applied behavioral expertise Administrative authority Intensive support expertise Knowledge about students Knowledge about school operations Scoring 0 = Tier III team does not include a trained systems coordinator or all 5 identified functions 1 = Tier III team members have some but not all 5 functions, and /or some but not all members have relevant training or attend at least 80% of meetings 2 = Tier III team has a coordinator and all 5 functions and attendance of these members is at or above 80%

38 3.2 Team Operating Procedures
Subscale: Teams Feature Data Sources Scoring Criteria 0 = Not implemented 1 = Partially implemented 2 = Fully implemented 3.2 Team Operating Procedures: Tier III team meets at least monthly and has (a) regular meeting format/agenda, (b) minutes, (c) defined meeting roles, and (d) a current action plan. Tier III team meeting agendas and minutes Tier III meeting roles descriptions Tier III action plan 0 = Tier III team does not use regular meeting format/agenda, minutes, defined roles, or a current action plan 1= Tier III team has at least 2 but not all 4 features 2 = Tier III team meets at least monthly and uses regular meeting format/agenda, minutes, defined roles, AND has a current action plan Main Idea: Tier III teams need meeting foundations in order operate efficiently and to implement effective supports.

39 Quick Check: Team Operating Procedures
What meeting procedures are currently in place at the Tier III level? Self-Assessment Regular, monthly meetings Consistently followed meeting format Minutes taken during and disseminated after each meeting (or at least action plan items are disseminated) Participant roles are clearly defined Action plan current to the school year Scoring 0 = Tier III team does not use regular meeting format/agenda, minutes, defined roles, or a current action plan 1= Tier III team has at least 2 but not all 4 features 2 = Tier III team meets at least monthly and uses regular meeting format/agenda, minutes, defined roles, AND has a current action plan




43 Tier II: Interventions
Tier II: Teams Composition Operating Procedures Screening Request for Assistance Tier II: Interventions Tier II Intervention Options Tier II Critical Features Practices Matched to Student Need Access to Tier I Supports Professional Development Tier II: Evaluation Level of Use Student Performance Data Fidelity Data Annual Evaluation

44 Tier III: Support Plans
Tier III: Teams Tier III: Interventions Tier III: Support Plans Tier III: Evaluation Composition Operating Procedures Screening Student Support Team Staffing Student/Family/Community Involvement Professional Development Quality of Life Indicators Academic, Social, Physical Indicators Hypothesis Statement Comprehensive Support Formal & Natural Supports Access to Tier I & Tier II Supports Data System Data-based Decision Making Level of Use Annual Evaluation

45 TFI Tier III Support Plan Scoring

46 Title Item Current Score Action Who When 2.1 Team Composition
2.2 Team Operating Procedures 2.3 Screening 2.4 Request for Assistance 2.5 Options for Tier II Interventions 2.6 Tier II Critical Features 2.7 Practices Matched to Student Need 2.8 Access to Tier I Supports 2.9 Professional Development 2.10 Level of Use 2.11 Student Performance Data 2.12 Fidelity Data 2.13 Annual Evaluation

47 Title 3.1 Team Composition 3.2 Team Operating Procedures 3.3 Screening
Item Current Score Action Who When 3.1 Team Composition 3.2 Team Operating Procedures 3.3 Screening 3.4 Student Support Team 3.5 Staffing 3.6 Student/Family/Community Involvement 3.7 Professional Development 3.8 Quality of Life Indicators 3.9 Academic, Social, & Physical Indicators 3.10 Hypothesis Statement 3.11 Comprehensive Support 3.12 Formal & Natural Supports 3.13 Access to Tier I & Tier II Supports 3.14 Data System 3.15 Data-based Decision Making 3.16 Level of Use 3.17 Annual Evaluation

48 Title

49 Link to TFI

50 Additional Resources for Model School Application Process

51 15-16 Model School Supports: Question 1
Problem-Solving Process: (Secondary): Elementary: Tier 1 fidelity resources: Alternatives to suspensions: Restorative Practices:

52 15-16 Model School Supports: Question 2
Step 1 Problem Identification and Step 4 Evaluation Equity Profile (Excel) Automatically calculate multiple measures of disproportionality so that schools may see if their discipline outcomes are equitable across racial/ethnic and educational categories (Special Education and General Education). Understanding multiple measures of disproportionality (PDF handout) This resource summarizes the different measures provided in the School Data Template and explains how they may be used. Using data to address disproportionality (recorded module) This recording provides in-depth instruction and examples of the different metrics for identifying and monitoring disproportionality.

53 15-16 Model School Supports: Question 2
Step 2 and 3: Problem Analysis and Intervention Development Overview of culturally-responsive PBIS (recorded module) This recorded FLPBIS:MTSS chat provides an introduction to Culturally Responsive-PBIS, and ideas for culturally-responsive Tier 1 implementation strategies. The CARED series describing domains for problem analysis to address disproportionate discipline that directly inform intervention strategies: Curriculum and Instruction: Awareness: Relationships: Environment: (posted this week) Discipline:

54 15-16 Model School Supports: Question 3 and 4
Tier 2 and Tier 3 Behavioral Support Systems Screening: Grouping (see next chat) Progress monitoring: Decision Points: (coming soon, link to be posted this week)


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