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Dr. Arounyadeth Rasphone Deputy Director General

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1 Dr. Arounyadeth Rasphone Deputy Director General
2016 RTIM Pre-Consultation (Partnership for Effective Development Cooperation) 15th November, Vientiane Plaza Hotel Dr. Arounyadeth Rasphone Deputy Director General Department of International Cooperation Ministry of Planning and Investment The implementation of the national development agenda as follow up to the 12th High Level Round Table Meeting (2015) and Roadmap for the 2016 Round Table Implementation Meeting

2 II. Update on the revision of the PM Decree 75
Revision of ODA Decree 75/PM processes PMO’s notice no 2005/ ຫລບ.ກສສ, dated 01/12/2015 on Revision of ODA Decree 75/PM PMO issued agreement no 11/MP, dated 4/3/2016 on appointment of ODA Decree 75/PM revision committee chaired by MPI’s Minister 1st Conducted consultation meeting with line ministries on 09 June 2016 at Murecure hotel (with support from RTM Project) 2nd Conducted consultation meeting with local authorities on 17 June 2016 in Savannakhet province( with support from Lao-Australian Learning Facility) 3rd Conducted consultation meeting with local authorities (northern part) 22 June 2016 (with support from Lao-Australian Learning Facility) 4th Consultation workshop with line ministries to discussion flow chart of ODA on 11 November 2016 at Murecure hotel (support from RTM project)

3 Program/Project drawing MOFA
Step 1: International Cooperation Policy Framework Lao Embassies/ Consular abroad Mission (Resources mobilization) Consultation/ Dialogue (MOFA, MPI, MOF, LMs, LAs) Exchange Notes/Notes of Discussion Strategic Framework Program/Project drawing MOFA Diplomatic Relation Cultural/ Other Cooperation Official Development Assistance (Program/project) Other Flows

4 Official Development Assistance (Program/project)
Step 2: ODA Appraisal Process Official Development Assistance (Program/project) MPI Loan & Related Grant DPs INGOs NPAs MoF LMs/LAs MoFA MoHA

5 Line Ministries/Local Authorities
Step 3: Approval process for Grant Grant Approval for process for grant (Program, project include TA, CDTA Line Ministries/Local Authorities MPI, LMs/Las &DPs Fact Finding Mission Drafted Project DPs Appraisal NO Yes Submit for Approval PMO MPI Revise/Check Notice of PMO L+G & G Terminated Notice on approved of grant (Program, project include TA, CDTA Report NA ODA Technical Board (MoFA, MoF, MoHA, LMCs, LAC)

6 Line Ministries/Local Authorities
Step 3: Approval process for Loan Loan (Concessional Loan) Approval process for Loan (program/project) include PPTA Line Ministries/Local Authorities MOF, MPI, LMs/Las& DPs Fact Finding Mission Drafted Project Notice on approval for Loan (program/project) include PPTA DPs Negotiation Appraisal MOF, MPI, LMs/LAs & DP NO Yes Submit for approval Revise/Check PMO MPI Terminated Notice from PMO (Loan approval) If needed NA ODA Technical Board (MoFA, MoF, MoHA, LMCs, LAC)

7 Step 4: Implementation (Program/project readiness)
Provincial ODA Coordinating Committee LMs (National steering committee of program/project) Project Steering Committee (LMs, LAs) PIUs (LMs, Las, INGOs, NPAs) Budget Human Resources Detailed project Location Supporting budget Counterpart Budget

8 Project Steering Committee
Step 5: Implementation & Report system ODA PIUs (LMs, Las, INGOs, NPAs) Project Steering Committee (LMs, LAs) Line Ministries Local Authorities Reports & Monitoring (Actual Disbursement, Disbursement plan) Reports DPs MPI MOF (Loan) MOFA (INGOs) MOHA (NPAs) Portfolio Review for Grant & Loan, (M&E) Record, Statistic Summary Reports Reports (Actual Disbursement, Disbursement plan) NSEDP (GDP, Planning) PMO Annual report NA

9 LMs/LAs approach to DPs Step 1: ODA Calling list
PMO MPI ODA Technical Board (MoFA, MoF, MoHA, LMCs, LAs) Prepare ODA Projects List (Brief description, Project location, Beneficiary, Period of project , Type of Aid, Donor) Line Ministries/ Local Authorities Prioritization of PIP, ODA & Private (Credit, FDI)

10 LMs/LAs approach to DPs Step 2: Resource Mobilization
MPI Program/projects (Prioritization) LMs/LAs RTP MoFA Consultation/ Dialogue (MOFA, MPI, MOF, LMs, LAs) Mission Lao Emb & Cons abroad DPs

11 II. Next steps Further consultations and feedbacks from both national and international partners will be needed. Agreement will be made on clearer division of labour within the Government A link between this Decree 75 (on ODA management) and the Decree 115 (on Associations) will be discussed. Regional experiences on ODA decree and related matters will be looked at (Visits to Viet Nam and Cambodia) National workshop on ODA management will be convened before the finalisation of the Decree (Tentative plan – second half of 2017)

12 Thank you

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