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Please Turn To: Genesis 1:24-31.

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Presentation on theme: "Please Turn To: Genesis 1:24-31."— Presentation transcript:

1 Please Turn To: Genesis 1:24-31

2 Man – A Threefold Being 1 Thessalonians 5:23

3 Some Conclude Man a “Two-Fold Creature”
Soul & Spirit Same Thing in 1 Thessalonians 5:23? Why would Inspiration in Hebrews 4:12 talk about “division of soul & spirit” if they are the same thing? Text compares distinguishing between “joints & marrow.” Must be Some Distinction Matthew 10:28 Soul & Body Different

4 Creation Genesis 1:26,28 After God’s Image- Likeness-
“resemblance; hence, a representative figure.” “copy…vivid representation.” Likeness- “resemblance…like.” “the same form; shape; semblance.”

5 Something about Man is a Copy or Vivid Representation of the Members of the Godhead
What FORM are They in? John 4:24 “God is Spirit….” NOT say God HAS A SPIRIT – GOD IS SPIRIT This is the part of man made in His image Does not refer to Flesh & Bones – Luke 24:39 Higher part of man distinguishes him from animal world, and is eternal

6 From the Dust of the Ground
Genesis 2:7a Genesis 1:26,27 “Man & Woman” in His image Man formed FIRST, then WOMAN First Chapter = ETERNAL part of man Second Chapter = REST OF MAN

7 From the Dust of the Ground
1 Corinthians 15:44 “..a natural body,” and “a spiritual body.” Vs. 50 “flesh & blood cannot inherit the kingdom of God…” BODY = part of man comes from DUST which Genesis 3:19 says will RETURN TO DUST whenever we DIE!

8 Creation Genesis Chapter 2 Breath of Life
Genesis 2:7 NKJV 7 And the LORD God…, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living being.” Makes a LIVING SOUL vs. 2b (ASV)

9 TWO THINGS Man shares with the ANIMALS
A BODY – decays & returns to the ground from whence it came A SOUL- which is to say, the BREATH OF LIFE! Genesis 1:20 “living creatures” “Creatures”- lit. SOULS. Same word used in Genesis 2:7 Ecclesiastes 3:18-21 “all have one breath; man has no advantage over beasts…”

10 TWO THINGS Man shares with the ANIMALS
1. BOTH DIE & RETURN TO DUST! 2. BOTH have BREATH! {same as SPIRIT in the Old Testament} But NOT TOTALLY ALIKE! God gave Man Preeminence over ALL of Creation – Genesis 1:26


12 Words Concerning Nature of Man

13 Words Concerning Nature of Man
SOUL- O.T. Hebrew NEPHESH Soul, living being, life… desire, appetite, emotion, passion… that which breathes… animal, the soul.” {BDB}

14 Words Concerning Nature of Man
SOUL- N.T. PSUCHE “the breath of life, the vital force which animates the body… the soul, the seat of feelings, desires, affections, aversions… the soul as an essence which differs from the body & is not dissolved by death.” {Thayer}

15 Words Concerning Nature of Man
SOUL- Two Senses of the word in both Old and New Testaments: 1. Temporal- Psalm 63:9 1 Thessalonians 2:8 Romans 11:3

16 Words Concerning Nature of Man
SOUL- Two Senses of the word in both Old and New Testaments: 2. Eternal- Psalm 16:10 Acts 2:27,31 Soul is called the part that lives on Matthew 10:28

17 Words Concerning Nature of Man
SOUL- 2. Eternal- Psalm 16:10 Matthew 10:28 Kill – put to death Destroy – loss; not of being but wellbeing.” James 5:20

18 Words Concerning Nature of Man

19 Words Concerning Nature of Man
SPIRIT- O.T. Hebrew RUWACH The living breathing being… as the seat of emotion, desire.” BDB N.T. Greek PHEUMA “vital principle by which body is animated.. Disposition or influence which fills & governs the soul of anyone.” Thayer

20 Words Concerning Nature of Man
SPIRIT- Two Concepts Temporal – 1 Samuel 30:12 “spirit” = “strength” Job 27:3 “spirit” “breath of God” John 11:33 “seat of emotion” Acts 17:16 “spirit” that which is angered, thus emotions Temporal part of ALL who have breath of life

21 Eternal or Immortal Part of Man
Ecclesiastes 12:7 “spirit will return to God Who gave it.” Matthew 27:50 “yielded up His spirit” Acts 7:59 “receive my spirit.” 1 Corinthians 5:5 “saved in the day of the Lord Jesus.”

22 Hebrews 4:12 Soul {breath of life} taken from Body – Spirit Departs!
James 2:26 “For as the body without the spirit is dead, so faith without works is dead also.” Which One Leaves FIRST? Only God Knows!

23 Are YOU Prepared to give an account of YOURSELF to GOD?

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