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Marjaana Laine Shared material

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1 Competence required by digitalisation - The way the Finnish government looks at it
Marjaana Laine Shared material Office for the Government as Employer / Personnel and Governance Policy Department

2 Conclusions / Concept: Competence required by digitalisation
eService developers e.g. application procurement Operations developers development projects Facilitators e.g. supervisors, management Responsibility for overall management senior management Specialist competences End users ‘basic official duties’ NEEDED BY ALL EMPLOYEES Basic competences NEEDED BY SOME EMPLOYEES General abilities and attitudes Awareness / use in own work In-depth competence -> Own work becomes more efficient -> Understanding of how these affect an employee’s own work -> Enables personal improvement -> Effective development -> Networking Further information and development suggestions: MofF / Personnel Dept., ( )

3 General abilities and attitudes ‘meta-skills’
Conclusions / Concept: Competence required by digitalisation General abilities and attitudes ‘meta-skills’ e.g. Learning new things Unlearning old things Ability to combine various competences Interaction skills (including transparent operations) Flexible and open attitude towards change Media literacy Self-management Ability to understand individual differences in abilities Further information and development suggestions: MofF / Personnel Dept.,

4 Networking and active promoting of collaboration
Conclusions / Concept: Competence required by digitalisation Basic competences Use of digital services and tools in your own work e.g. the agency’s case processing system, personal and smartphone, videoconferencing, Lync, Skype for Business, social media (FB, Twitter, LinkedIn, Yammer), online shop services (e.g. police permit services), Government publishing service, cloud services, survey applications (Webropol, Digium, Zef), scheduling application Doodle Sufficient understanding of how digitalisation affects customers, operations and your own job duties e.g. customers’ expectations and needs, enabling of legislation-related development (repealing, enacting new legislation, etc.) and basic knowledge of information security Networking and active promoting of collaboration Further information and development suggestions: MofF / Personnel Dept.,

5 Specialist competences 1/2
Conclusions / Concept: Competence required by digitalisation Specialist competences 1/2 Improving the customer experience e.g. service formulation, service concepts (including visualisation) and interface and usability design Data and analysis competence e.g. development of data models and information architectures, database design, data quality management, information analysis, information visualisation and identification of information needs and sources Risk management e.g risk management, continuity planning (recovery planning, preparedness), sufficient information security and privacy Digital-era procedures and operating logic e.g. overall architecture, digital-era (business) models and logic, development of own operating models in the digital world, impact and cost-effectiveness assessments, and building and operating in digital ecosystems, networks and partnerships Process competence e.g. process development (for instance with the Lean philosophy), process measurement and optimisation, and process leadership/ownership Continued on next slide Further information and development suggestions: MofF / Personnel Dept.,

6 Specialist competences 2/2
Conclusions / Concept: Competence required by digitalisation Specialist competences 2/2 Development methods e.g. software development, agile methods (Scrum, Lean) Digital communications competence e.g. search engine marketing and optimisation, leveraging social media in work-related communications, storification and gamification, targeting, marketing automation, digital marketing measurement and conversion optimisation Partnership management e.g. partnership building, partnership administration and management (including safeguarding the buyer’s interests) Overall management and change management e.g. understanding and taking into account the speed and importance of digitalisation developments in overall management, ensuring the effectiveness of digitalisation (project prioritisation, resourcing, management, facilitating cooperation both within your own organisation and across organisation boundaries, reward scheme for operations development Further information and development suggestions: MofF / Personnel Dept.,

7 Let’s improve this concept together
Important source material for the concept has been the handbook by Vesa Ilmarinen and Kai Koskela ʺDIGITALISAATIO Yritysjohdon käsikirjaʺ (2015) as well as the inquiry we made in April 2016. The concept is not yet finished; we need to improve it together and make it into “a living tool” we can all share. The plan is to have the relevant material found at: the Ministry of Finance / Personnel Dept. website Innovillage ( where it can be easily commented on and further improved. Further information is available from the keepers of the ‘parent file’, who will also be pleased to receive any development suggestions: Marjaana.Laine(at) and from Public Sector ICT Heidi.Torro(at)

8 Marjaana Laine, Ministerial Adviser Office for the Government as Employer / Personnel and Governance Policy Department Tel Media and communicatios: Mediaservice (office hours 8–16)

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