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Questionnaire Analysis By Jemma Blythin

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1 Questionnaire Analysis By Jemma Blythin
Alfred Hitchcock Questionnaire Analysis By Jemma Blythin

2 Question 1 – Out of the following films, which of Alfred Hitchcock’s films do you prefer?
After looking at my findings, they show me that the people that I asked much preferred Psycho with a total of 4 and Rear Window with 6 people choosing this as their favourite Hitchcock film. As can be seen by the chart no one picked The Birds as there favourite. The results may have been more varied if I gave out more questionnaires to be filled in.

3 Question 2 – As you may already know, Rear Window is very similar to the recent film, Disturbia. Which film do you prefer? As you can see from the chart 4/5 of the people I gave the questionnaire to chose Disturbia. I believe this is the case because the people I asked were in the younger generation so they would find Disturbia more appealing due to the casting.

4 Question 3 – From watching Alfred Hitchcock’s films, would you consider him to be an auteur?
Looking at the results to this question, it is certain that all the people who filled in the questionnaire considers Alfred Hitchcock to be an auteur.

5 Question 4 – From watching his films, what do you think is most distinctive about his work?
Looking at the results from this question, its shows that more people recognize Hitchcock’s films due to him creating fear and anxiety. Two people recognize him through his casting such as always casting a young, blonde heroin and a masculine male as a supporting actor. As well as these, the remaining two people recognizes him through his cameo appearances.

6 Question 5 – What age group do you think Alfred Hitchcock’s films are made for?
I concluded that the majority of people I asked and had viewed these films thought that they were made for the age groups and years.

7 Question 6 – Because Shia Labeouf is the main character in Disturbia, do you think that will attract more of the younger generation due to his other roles ins Disney films? The people that I gave the questionnaire to were generally aged which meant the kind of films they watch our more modern and this shows in the chart because 9 out of 10 said yes to this question.

8 Question 7 – Which of these films do you think Alfred Hitchcock built up more suspense in?
After analyzing the previous question’s, I have come to the conclusion that the birds hasn’t been very popular with this particularly audience and therefore they were more exited by psycho so therefore I think the results from this question are a bit bias.

9 Question 8 – Overall, what would you rate Alfred Hitchcock’s Films with 5 being good and 1 being poor? Overall, Alfred Hitchcock’s films were rated quite highly by the people who answered the questionnaires but as you can see the results are very varied.

10 Question 9 – Did you like the way Hitchcock used black and white instead of colour in Psycho?
This question got a positive response to this question as everyone barring one person agreed that they prefered that the film was in black and white.

11 Question 10 – Which film do you think was most successful?
Concluding this questionnaire, it has come to my attention that overall, Psycho was very popular in this group of people unlike The Birds which throughout this questionnaire I have being getting the impression that no one was keen on this film. It is the same with Rear Window and Disturbia. I am surprised that not many people chose Disturbia as it was the more modern one. If I was to create another questionnaire, I would base it on The Birds simply to find out why it isn’t that popular in our generation.

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