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ASCEL Conference 8 November 2013

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1 ASCEL Conference 8 November 2013
Miranda McKearney OBE Founder Director, The Reading Agency

2 Libraries’ Universal Reading Offer

3 1 in 3 people suffer from mental ill health in any one year
We’re really excited about Reading Well, the new national BOP scheme were working with SCL to roll out across all English library authorities. Its based on existing best practice from Wales and work that’s going on locally but develops the model to combine both the health information and creative reading aspects of the public library health offer. So as well as a core self help reading list the scheme will also signpost to other well being services provided by libraries such as Mood Boosting Books and reading groups. It attracting enormous interest from health partners and agencies Working with a set core partners including the Royal Colleges of Psychiatrists, GPs and Nursing, Mind, DH through their Improving Access to Psychological Therapies Programme, BABCP, The British Psychological Society and Mind Aiming to roll out across England in May I am very aware that there is a lot of developed BOP best practice here in Scotland and a developed creative bibliotherapy network. I am really keen to explore how we might join some of this up and share learning.

4 England’s 16-24 year olds scored 22nd out of 24 for literacy
England’s year olds scored 22nd out of 24 for literacy. The rising generation is less skilled that older people, raising major concerns about workforce skills

5 Research: transforming effect of reading for pleasure
“those who read books often at 10 and atleast once a week at 16 gained higher results in all three tests at 16 […] Reading for pleasure is more important for children’s cognitive development between than their parents’ level of education” Institute of Education, 2013 “for 16 year olds, reading for pleasure is the only out of school activity demonstrably linked to securing a better job” Oxford University, 2011

6 Shared quality activity
Economies of scale Energised staff Public affairs Summer Reading Challenge: value to sector Children’s outcomes Volunteers outcomes New members schools partnerships Shared quality activity Year round website Positive media profile Boys Author support Targeted work Partnership support Book issues Young People’s Outcomes

7 2013 Results 776,297 children participated 446,090 children completed
5,154 young volunteers supporting 66,592 new library members 44% boys  

8 2013 – 51,000 more children signed up
2012 saw 45,000 children sign up



11 Summer Reading Challenge 2014
Date Key milestone timeline w/c Nov 4 Core logo artwork finalised and agreed with ASCEL exec w/c Jan 6 Printed order forms delivered to all library services Jan 24 Closing date for orders w/c Mar 31 Delivery of invitations to all library services w/c Apr 7 Start of regular fortnightly update newsletters to be sent to all SRC co-ordinators Apr 22 - May 2 Contingency by 16th May Delivery of all materials to Scottish and Irish library services w/c Apr 28 Resources for libraries available online May 5 – May 24 contingency by 6th June Delivery of all materials to English library services w/c May 26 contingency by 14th June Delivery of all materials to Welsh library services

12 Drivers for change: Summer Reading Challenge schools strategy
Pivot for step change in school/library partnerships Link to library joining pilots New education sector champions and partners SRC in school improvement plans Best practice programmes of work: summer and autumn terms Incentivise through healthy competition Accredited CYP ambassadors in schools

13 Year round website Need image and info from Lynne

14 Chatterbooks

15 Volunteering “My advice for anyone thinking about volunteering for the Summer Reading Challenge  is to go for it, because all people should be given the opportunity to become something great.” Louis Howell, 17, Volunteer, Lewisham


17 Reading Activist Challenge
By 2018, the new national programme : Is recognised as a leading social action opportunity for young people Has evidenced benefits to participants and beneficiaries Is fully supported by local authorities, schools and youth sector organisations The Reading Agency is seeking funding to develop a network of young volunteers currently engaged within our Reading Activists programme who will support children at primary school level through our national reading programme the Summer Reading Challenge (which currently engages 780,000 children every year to read six books over the summer). This will form part of our work on a new Reading Activists Challenge, a year round volunteering offer being developed with Paul Hamlyn Foundation funding. This link will support more young people to volunteer and provide follow through opportunities. Our vision is that by 2015, the Reading Activists Social Action programme is recognised as a leading volunteering opportunity for young people, with evidenced benefits to participants and beneficiaries, whilst being fully supported by local authorities, schools and youth sector organisations.  Your funding will enable us to increase the number of young people volunteering by 40% leading to 8,000 young people helping 80,000 children to build their reading confidence and enjoyment through creative and engaging social action activities within 80% of English Library Services. This is in addition to supporting:  4,000 young people will improve their employability skills (team working, communication); 1,200 young people gain accreditation for library and reading based social action opportunities.

18 "We are delighted to see a 12% increase in our A
"We are delighted to see a 12% increase in our A* - C grades in GCSE English results – proof that participation in the Six Book Challenge really can help to develop skills as well as enjoyment."   John Bexson, Deputy Principal, Northampton College, which has rolled the Challenge out to all Functional Skills and GCSE English students


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