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Classification (Day 1) Taxonomy: The science of naming or classifying organisms.

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2 Classification (Day 1) Taxonomy: The science of naming or classifying organisms.

3 Classification Classify – To group things together based on similarities. Trait – feature that a living thing has _ _


5 Aristotle (2000+ years ago) – Greek scientist, first person to classify life
Two main groups: PLANTS ANIMALS More specific Trees *Land Shrubs *Water Herbs *Air


7 ANIMALS Cat / Dog Fly Bear Shark Butterfly Hawk Lizard Sea Otter Fish
Land Fly Air / Land Bear Shark Water Butterfly Land / Air Hawk Air / Land Lizard Land Sea Otter Water / Land Fish Water Mosquitos Water / Air / Land

8 PLANTS Cherry Tree Grass Hedges Rose Mushroom Daisy Bushes Oak Moss
Herb Hedges Shrub Rose Mushroom ???? Daisy Herb Bushes Shrub Oak Tree Moss Tomato plant ????

9 Carolus Linnaeus (1735) – Developed a new system
Two main groups called Kingdoms Kingdom Animalia Kingdom Plantae Then he created more specific groups Genus species He gave organisms two names that were based on their traits Homo sapiens or Homo sapiens

10 Today, we have 7 groups for classifying living things.
Kingdom Animalia Phylum Chordata Class Mammalia Order Primates Family Hominidae Genus Homo species sapiens

11 King Philip Came Over For Good spaghetti
Create your own mnemonic device for the classification system (make sure it’s appropriate…)

12 Classification Organisms are classified based on the following ways:
How related they are Ancestry Body Structures DNA 12

13 1. Classifying by Relatedness
Classifying the House Cat Group GROUP NAME Group trait ANIMALIA Many cells/eats food CHORDATA Rod-like structure along back for support MAMMALIA Nurse young, hair CARNIVORE Eats meat, large teeth FELIDAE Sharp claws, large eyes FELIS Small cats CATUS Tame 13

14 Comparing House Cat and Lion
Comparison Kingdom Animalia Phylum Chordata Class Mammalia Order Carnivore Family Felidae Genus Felis Panthera species catus leo 14

15 Comparing House Cat and Shark
Comparison Kingdom Animalia Phylum Chordata Class Mammalia Chondrichthyes Order Carnivore Lamniformes Family Felidae Lamnidae Genus Felis Carcharodon species catus carcharius 15

16 Comparing House Cat and Button Mushroom
Comparison Kingdom Animalia Fungus Phylum Chordata Basidiomycota Class Mammalia Homobasidiomycete Order Carnivore Agaricales Family Felidae Agaricaceae Genus Felis Agaricus species catus bisporis 16

17 2. Classifying by Ancestors
Ancestor – related organism that lived some time in the past Which 2 do you think would have the most ancestors in common? 17

18 3. Classifying by Body Structure
Homologous structures – similar in structure but differ in function Examples Limbs of: Humans Cats Whales Bats 18

19 19

20 4. Classifying by DNA DNA comparisons – Comparing the DNA sequences of organisms can show how closely related they are. 20

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