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Ocean Circulation.

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Presentation on theme: "Ocean Circulation."— Presentation transcript:

1 Ocean Circulation

2 Fig. 3.19

3 Ocean circulation Primarily wind-driven 1. Major winds


5 Coriolis Effect A. Cause

6 Changes in rotational speed of Earth as one approaches the poles

7 Coriolis Effect A. Cause B. Effect on ocean circulation
1. Northern hemisphere: Clockwise 2. Southern hemisphere: counter-clockwise

8 Winds + Coriolis + position of landmasses
Ocean circulation Total cause of currents and gyres= Winds + Coriolis + position of landmasses

9 Fig. 3.19

10 Ekman transport The net transport of nutrients carried by currents. Caused by the difference between the winds and water movement.

11 Fig. 3.18

12 Ekman transport Net movement

13 Fig

14 Upwelling Can be : Coastal Equatorial

15 Fig

16 Upwelling 1. Coastal upwelling

17 Fig

18 California coastal sea surface temp

19 Upwelling 1. Coastal upwelling 2. Equatorial upwelling

20 Equatorial upwelling - Fig. 14.33

21 Fig

22 El Niño

23 El Niño effects on upwelling

24 El Niño effects on upwelling

25 Worldwide effect of the 1997 El Niño - Fig. 14.35

26 El Niño Caused by Southern Oscillation

27 Movement of high pressure system - the Southern Oscillation - Fig. 14

28 Impact of southern oscillation on regional winds (& consequently, ocean currents)

29 How the southern oscillaton causes El Niño.

30 Thermohaline circulation
Thermohaline circulation is distinct layers of water which result from differences in density. Density differences are caused by differences in water temperature and salinity.

31 Fig. 3.33

32 Thermohaline circulation

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