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Planning and Resource Council (PaRC) Orientation

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Presentation on theme: "Planning and Resource Council (PaRC) Orientation"— Presentation transcript:

1 Planning and Resource Council (PaRC) Orientation
October 11, 2017

2 Role of PARC Responsible for discussing matters related to college planning and resource allocation and its impact on student learning.

3 Foundation of College Planning
Mission Educational Master Plan Goals Annual Strategic Objectives Program Review

4 Planning and Resource Process

5 Collegial Consultation
Education Code … ensure faculty, staff, and students the opportunity to express their opinions at the campus level, to ensure that these opinions are given every reasonable consideration, …

6 PaRC Composition PaRC Tri-Chairs: College President (non-voting), Academic Senate President & Classified Senate President ASFC Representation: ASFC President, ASFC Student Trustee & (2) ASFC Members Core Mission Workgroup Tri-Chairs: Basic Skills, Student Equity, Transfer and Workforce Operations Planning Committee (OPC) Tri-Chairs Ex-Officio (nonvoting): President’s Cabinet, Bargaining Unit Representatives, Executive Assistant to the President

7 Role of PaRC Representatives
Share perspectives from workgroup / constituent discussions. Communicate PaRC information to constituents.

8 PaRC Orientation Thank you for your service!

9 Mission Believing a well-educated population is essential to sustaining and enhancing a democratic society, Foothill College offers programs and services that empower students to achieve their goals as members of the workforce, as future students, and as global citizens. We work to obtain equity in achievement of student outcomes for all California student populations, and are guided by our core values of honesty, integrity, trust, openness, transparency, forgiveness, and sustainability. Foothill College offers associate degrees and certificates in multiple disciplines, and a baccalaureate degree in dental hygiene.

10 Educational Master Plan Goals
Create a culture of equity that promotes student success, particularly for underserved students. Strengthen a sense of community and commitment to the College’s mission; expand participation from all constituencies in shared governance. Recognize and support a campus culture that values ongoing improvement and stewardship of resources.

11 2017-18 Annual College Strategic Objectives
I. Equity plan – Develop an integrated plan, identify goals for alignment with equity, II. Enrollment Growth – Achieve more than 1.5% FTES growth at 500 productivity III. Service Leadership – Plan and implement, college- wide Service Leadership initiative for students. IV. Governance – Plan and implement a review to restructure governance as identified in Quality Focused Essay.

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