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Welcome to the Summit on REDUCING SOLID WASTE

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to the Summit on REDUCING SOLID WASTE"— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to the Summit on REDUCING SOLID WASTE
Committee: Trash in the Ocean Chairman: Theresa Springer Members: Marti Campbell & Jeff Ravage Coalition for the Upper South Platte

2 A SUMMIT is an organized event where different people from different fields of study come together to find solutions to a common problem.

3 The problem: TOO MUCH TRASH

4 Did you know that garbage/trash has a history?

5 VIDEO If you are viewing this presentation on a Mac, the embedded videos will not play. Switching to a Windows computer should fix this problem. Feel free to contact Jeff Ravage, CUSP’s Deputy Operations Director/ IT Specialist, at if you have additional questions about embedded videos.

6 The focus of this committee is Trash in the Ocean
Let’s take a closer look….

7 video If you are viewing this presentation on a Mac, the embedded videos will not play. Switching to a Windows computer should fix this problem. Feel free to contact Jeff Ravage, CUSP’s Deputy Operations Director/ IT Specialist, at if you have additional questions about embedded videos.

8 What in the world can we do about all this trash?

9 responsibility for this problem? What do you want for the future?
Who has to take on the responsibility for this problem? What do you want for the future?

10 It appears it’s up to your generation to find a solution to the world’s TRASH problem.

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