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Virtual Machines: Versatile Platforms for Systems and Processes

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1 Virtual Machines: Versatile Platforms for Systems and Processes
J. E. Smith University of Wisconsin-Madison Ravi Nair IBM Thomas J. Watson Research Center

2 INTRODUCTION This material is based on the book, Virtual Machines: Versatile Platforms for Systems and Processes, Copyright 2005 by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved. It has been used and/or modified with permission from Elsevier Inc.

3 Course Objectives Study VM architectures and applications
Study key implementation technologies Focus on architecture and microarchitecture aspects Cover significant case studies Introduction

4 Introduction Why are virtual machines interesting?
They allow transcending of interfaces (which often seem to be an obstacle to innovation) They enable innovation in flexible, adaptive software & hardware, security, network computing (and others) They involve computer architecture in a pure sense Virtualization will be a key part of future computer systems A fourth major discipline? (with HW, System SW, Application SW) Introduction

5 Advantages of Standard Interfaces
Major design tasks are decoupled In space and time Different hardware and software development schedules Software can run on any machine supporting a compatible interface MacIntosh apps. Windows apps. Linux apps Figs1/compat1 MacOS Windows Linux PowerPC x86 x86 Introduction

6 There are also disadvantages…
Software compiled for one ISA will not run on hardware with a different ISA Apple Mac (PowerPC) binaries on an x86? Even if ISAs are the same, OSes may differ Windows NT applications on a Solaris x86? Binary may not be optimized for the specific hardware platform it runs on Intel Pentium 4 binaries on an AMD Athlon? MacIntosh apps Windows apps. Figs1/clash MacOS Linux x86 x86 Introduction

7 Disadvantages (contd.)
Innovation may be inhibited by fixed ISA Hard to add new instructions OR remove obsolete ones What was the most recent (successful) new ISA? Or new OS? Difficult for software to interact directly with implementation Performance features Power management Fault tolerance Software is supposed to be implementation independent Introduction

8 Hardware Resources Conventional system software manages hardware resources directly An OS manages the physical memory of a specific size I/O devices are managed as physical entities Difficult to share resources except through OS All users of hardware must use the same OS All users are vulnerable to attack from other users sharing the resource (via security holes in OS) Introduction

9 Abstraction Computer systems are built on levels of abstraction
file abstraction Higher level of abstraction hide details at lower levels Example: files are an abstraction of a disk Introduction

10 Virtualization An isomorphism from guest to host
Map guest state to host state Implement “equivalent” functions e (S ) i S i S j Guest V( S ) i V( S ) j e '(S ') i S ' S ' i j Host Introduction

11 Virtualization Similar to abstraction Construct Virtual Disks
Except Details not necessarily hidden Construct Virtual Disks As files on a larger disk Map state Implement functions VMs: do the same thing with the whole “machine” file virtualization Introduction

12 The “Machine” Different perspectives on what the Machine is:
OS developer Compiler developer Application programmer Instruction Set Architecture ISA Major division between hardware and software Application Programs Libraries Operating System Execution Hardware Application Program Interface API User ISA + library calls Application Binary Interface ABI User ISA + OS calls Memory Translation System Interconnect (bus) I/O devices Main and Memory Networking Introduction

13 The “Machine” Different perspectives on what the Machine is:
OS developer Instruction Set Architecture ISA Major division between hardware and software Application Programs Libraries Operating System Execution Hardware Memory Translation System Interconnect (bus) I/O devices Main and Memory Networking Introduction

14 The “Machine” Different perspectives on what the Machine is:
Compiler developer Application Programs Libraries Operating System Execution Hardware Application Binary Interface ABI User ISA + OS calls Memory Translation System Interconnect (bus) I/O devices Main and Memory Networking Introduction

15 The “Machine” Different perspectives on what the Machine is:
Application programmer Application Programs Libraries Operating System Execution Hardware Application Program Interface API User ISA + library calls Memory Translation System Interconnect (bus) I/O devices Main and Memory Networking Introduction

16 Virtual Machines add Virtualizing Software to a Host platform
and support Guest process or system on a Virtual Machine (VM) Example: System Virtual Machine Applications Applications Guest OS OS Figs1/fx32 Virtualizing VMM Software Virtual Machine Hardware Host "Machine" Introduction

17 The Family of Virtual Machines
Lots of things are called “virtual machines” IBM VM/370 Java VMware Some things not called “virtual machines”, are virtual machines IA-32 EL Dynamo Transmeta Crusoe Introduction

18 Taking a Unified View “The subjects of virtual machines and emulators have been treated as entirely separate. … they have much in common. Not only do the usual implementations have many shared characteristics, but this commonality extends to the theoretical concepts on which they are based” -- Efrem G. Wallach, 1973 Introduction

19 Major Program Interfaces
ISA Interface -- supports all conventional software Application Software System Calls Operating System System ISA User ISA ISA System Calls User ISA System ISA ABI Application Software Operating System Application Binary Interface (ABI) -- supports application software only Figs1/isaint (modified) Figs1/abiint (modified) Introduction

20 System Virtual Machines
Provide a system environment Constructed at ISA level Persistent Examples: IBM VM/360, VMware, Transmeta Crusoe guest guest guest guest guest guest process process process process process process Guest OS Guest OS2 VMM VMM HOST PLATFORM virtual network communication Introduction

21 System Virtual Machines
Native VM System VMM privileged mode Guest OS user mode Example: classic IBM VMs (“type 1 hypervisor”) User-mode Hosted VM VMM runs as user application (“type 2”) Dual-mode Hosted VM Parts of VMM privileged; parts non-privileged Example VMware Virtual Machine Host OS Hardware VMM Virtual Machine Host OS Hardware VMM Virtual Machine VMM Hardware Non-privileged modes Privileged Mode Introduction

22 Process VMs Execute application binaries with an ISA different from hardware platform Couple at ABI level via Runtime System Examples: IA-32 EL, FX!32 Guest Application Process Application Process Runtime Virtualizing Software Figs1/fx32 Virtual OS Machine Host Machine Hardware Introduction

23 Process Virtual Machines
Constructed at ABI level Runtime manages guest process Not persistent Guest processes may intermingle with host processes As a practical matter, guest and host OSes are often the same Dynamic optimizers are a special case Examples: IA-32 EL, FX!32, Dynamo HOST OS Disk file sharing network communication guest process create host runtime Introduction

24 Same-ISA Dynamic Binary Optimizers
Optimize Binary at Runtime An ABI level optimization A type of Process VM Example HP Dynamo Can optimize for dynamic properties of program Can optimize for a specific processor implementation HP Apps UNIX HP PA Figs1/dynamo Introduction

25 HLL VMs Java and CLI are recent examples
Binary class files are distributed “ISA” is part of binary class format OS interaction via APIs (part of VM platform) Java Binary Classes Java VM Architecture Figs1/javasim VM VM VM implementation implementation implementation Sparc x86 Apple Workstation PC Mac Introduction

26 High Level Language Virtual Machines
Raise the level of abstraction User higher level virtual ISA OS abstracted as standard libraries Process VM (or API VM) HLL Program Intermediate Code Memory Image Object Code ( ISA ) Compiler front-end Compiler back-end Loader Portable Code Virtual ISA Host Instructions Virt. Mem. Image Compiler VM loader VM Interpreter/Translator Traditional HLL VM Introduction

27 Co-Designed VMs Perform both translation and optimization
VM provides interface between standard ISA software and implementation ISA Primary goal is performance or power efficiency Use proprietary implementation ISA Transmeta Crusoe and IBM Daisy best-known examples X86 Apps Windows VLIW Figs1/virtmach (with modifications) Introduction

28 Composition apps 1 OS 1 apps 2 OS 1 ISA 2 Introduction
Similar to figs1/variety ISA 2 Introduction

29 Composition: Example Java application JVM Linux x86 VMware Windows x86
Crusoe VLIW Code Morphing Figs1/multvms Introduction

30 Summary (Taxonomy) VM type (Process or System)
Host/Guest ISA same or different Multiprogrammed Systems Java VM MS CLI Transmeta Crusoe same ISA different ISA Process VMs System VMs Virtual PC for Mac IBM VM/370 VMware HP Dynamo IA-32 EL FX!32 Figs1/taxonomy modified? Introduction

31 Course Topics Introduction & VM Overview
Emulation: Interpretation & Binary Translation Process VMs & Dynamic Translators Dynamic Binary Optimization Co-Designed VMs HLL VMs System VMs Emerging Applications Introduction

32 Case Studies Shade Sun WABI Compaq FX!32 HP Dynamo VMware
Transmeta Crusoe IBM Daisy Intel VT-x …. and others Introduction

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