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Trade Unions – RDaSH.

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Presentation on theme: "Trade Unions – RDaSH."— Presentation transcript:

1 Trade Unions – RDaSH

2 TRADE UNIONS Why should I join? What will I get out of it?
Strength in Numbers National Negotiation Representation What will I get out of it? Knowing that you are contributing to standards of care and safety being maintained/improved Preferential insurance rates More stable work enviroment What have Trade Unions ever done for me? Improved workplace safety Equality at work National pay agreements

3 The Staff Side Council We meet as a staff side every 6 weeks, nominated representativesfrom each of the unions meet with each other and senior management from RDaSH. This provides a forum for: Exchanging information about developments throughout RDaSH Agreeing a common approach to issues Learning from each other

4 Staff Side Roles and Responsibilities
Represent the interests of their members Work for improved terms and conditions of employment To be involved in developments within the Trust that impact on the working lives of their members To consult and communicate with their members and negotiate on matters which effect their members’ employment prior to policy decisions being taken

5 Representation across RDaSH
From Staff Side members are nominated to represent Staff Side on various groups, forums and committees

6 Staff Side Committee This occurs every 6 weeks
Each of the unions named on the recognition agreement have a seat/seats on the committee This provides a forum for joint consultation between RDaSH and Staff Side Both parties work in partnership to ensure staff are involved in all levels of decision making throughout RDaSH

7 Groups where Staff Side represent members
Staff council Improving Working Lives Employee development, KSF Partnership in Action Workforce Groups Equality and Diversity Health and Safety Ad hoc groups established to look at particular issues

8 Trade Unions represent members at:
Consultation & Briefings Grievance meetings Disciplinary meetings Partnership in Action Workforce Groups Health and Safety Inspections Sickness Reviews

9 Thank you and have a great time working at RDaSH
…but if you don’t and you are one of our members then remember - we are here to help you! We are always looking for new stewards, full training will be provided by the relevant union

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