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Chromosomes “Colored Bodies”.

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Presentation on theme: "Chromosomes “Colored Bodies”."— Presentation transcript:

1 Chromosomes “Colored Bodies”

2 Chromosomes carry genetic information
Chromosomes are wound up DNA

3 Mitosis ensures identical daughter cells
Each has same number of chromosomes

4 Diploid – Every body cell has 2 sets of chromosomes
n = number of chromosomes Normal body cells have 2n (2 x n) chromosomes Humans have 23 pairs = 46 chromosomes 2n = Diploid (double)

5 Cell cycle chromosome numbers
G1 – normal growing cell = S – DNA duplicates = G2 – cell grows = M – Mitosis, cell divides 2n 2n  4n 4n 4n  2n

6 Haploid - Sex Cells Sexual reproduction Produces sperm and egg with only one set of chromosomes (1n) 1n = haploid (half) Sperm = 1n Egg = 1n Fertilized zygote = 2n

7 Meiosis The process of producing sperm and eggs with only half the normal number of chromosomes. Cell divides twice!

8 Sex determination What causes Male and female? Female = XX Male = XY

9 Karyotype Sorting chromosomes photo to check for chromosome abnormalities What is the sex of this patient? Male = XY

10 Chromosomes only visible in mitosis
Chromosomes must be photographed and sorted

11 Chromosomal mutations
All mutations listed in Karyotype lab

12 Non – Disjunction When chromosomes do not separate during meiosis
This forms an abnormal number of chromosomes in sex cells Trisomy – 3 Monosomy – 1

13 Down’s syndrome - Trisomy 21
extra 21st chromosome Characteristic facial flattening Decreased mental ability

14 Edward’s Syndrome - Trisomy 18
Extra 18th chromosome Organ and body deformation Early death.

15 Patua Syndrome or Trisomy 13
Extra chromosome 13 Early Death. External symptoms are similar to Edward's. Cleft palate

16 Turner syndrome = XO female
Only one X chromosome short stature Broad / thick lack of secondary sex characteristics

17 Klinefelter Syndrome - XXY male
Male with Slight female characteristics lower IQ and mild mental handicap

18 Trisomy X - XXX female lowered intelligence.
lack of secondary sex characteristics. Sterile Can be “normal”

19 Deletion Removal of a chromosome segment

20 Cri du Chat (cat cry) Syndrome
Deletion of a small arm of chromosome 5 cat-like cry round face, heart disease mental handicap.

21 Wolf-Hirschhorn Syndrome
Deletion of a segment of chromosome 4's short arm. Affects scalp, nose, lips, palate

22 13 q -Syndrome Deletion of the long arm of chromosome 13.
Severe malformations of face

23 Other chromosome problems

24 Duplication Repeats a segment of DNA/ gene ABABCD
Antifreeze in ice fish

25 Inversion Reverse a segment ACBDEF
Ex. white throat/tan striped sparrows

26 Translocation A segment from one chromosome joins a non homologous chromosome ABCLMNDE Leukemia Infertility

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