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“Ancient Rome”.

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1 “Ancient Rome”


3 EATING Carmen, Lidia y helena

4 Carmen, Lidia y Helena (3ºA)

5 Carmen, Lidia y Helena (3ºA)
Summary: OK (short text) Translation:OK Poster:Normal Presentation:OK Pronunciation:Normal Creativity:Normal Extras:2 cooking recipes, perfum

6 The worst The first meal.

7 The best The second meal.

8 Aurora and Ana (2ºB)

9 Aurora and Ana (2ºB) Summary: Very good Translation: Good
Poster: Very good Presentation: Very good Pronunciation: OK Creativity: OK Extras: 4 cooking recipes

10 The worst They got ill all the time…

11 The best They introduced the presentation (very original).
The food (so much work).

12 “Let´s the game begin”

13 Mario, Daniel and Raúl (2ºA)

14 Mario, Daniel and Raúl (2ºA)
Summary: Normal Translation: Normal Poster: Very little information Presentation: So-so Pronunciation: Bad Creativity: 0 Extras:

15 The worst Very little work. They did´t face the class

16 The best ???

17 Jesús, Álvaro and Alex (3ºB)

18 Jesús, Álvaro and Alex (3ºB)
Summary: Very Good Translation: Good Poster: Very good Presentation: Good Pronunciation: OK Creativity: Very good Extras: cooking recipe, costumes

19 The worst Finally, they did not do the play

20 The best It was an interesting presentation.

21 “Having fun”

22 Carla and Mara (2ºA)

23 Carla and Mara (2ºA) Summary: Very good Translation: Very good
Poster: OK Presentation: Very good Pronunciation: OK Creativity: Excellent! Extras: costumes, cooking recipe, play…

24 The worst Carla´s mind went blank.

25 The best The play and the food Carla´s perfomance

26 Valentín and Joaquín (2ºB)

27 Valentín and Joaquín (2ºB)
Summary: Very good Translation: Very good Poster: OK (but 2) Presentation: Great Pronunciation: Very good Creativity: Excellent!! Extras: costumes, cooking recipes, perfum, song…

28 The worst Nothing

29 The best So much work, so much creativity.
They were very brave playing the song

30 “Looking good”

31 Lucía and Marta (2ºA)

32 Lucía and Marta (2ºA) Summary: Good/very good Translation: Good
Poster: Good Presentation: Good/Very good Pronunciation: Good/very good Creativity: Very good Extras: costumes, 2 cooking recipes

33 The worst The nervous…

34 The best Very interesting presentation The work of Marta

35 Tania, Olga and Conchi (2ºB)

36 Tania, Olga and Conchi (2ºB)
Summary: Good Translation: Good Poster: Normal Presentation: Good Pronunciation: OK Creativity: Normal Extras: Hairstyle (pictures)

37 The worst It could have been much better

38 The best Conchi talking and facing the class The pictures

39 “Roman Style”

40 Sabina, Laura and María (2ºA)

41 Sabina, Laura and María (2ºA)
Summary: Good Translation: OK (very little text) Poster: OK Presentation:Normal Pronunciation: so-so (except Laura) Creativity: so-so Extras: cooking recipe

42 The worst Very little motivation They did not work as a group

43 The best Sabina´s recipe

44 Lucía, Marta y Helena (2ºB)

45 Lucía, Marta y Helena (2ºB)
Summary: Very good Translation: Very good Poster: Very good Presentation: Very good Pronunciation: Quite good Creativity: Good Extras: barbies, costume (Lucía), shoes

46 The worst Nothing

47 The best Everything

48 “City life”

49 Esther, Ángela and Jazmín (2ºA)

50 Esther, Ángela and Jazmín (2ºA)
Summary: Good Translation: OK Poster: So-so Presentation: So-so Pronunciation: So-so Creativity: very good (mosaic) Extras: Mosaic, perfum

51 The worst They were laughing all the time

52 The best The mosaic

53 “School days and Bath time”

54 Ana, Mónica and Marta (2ºA)

55 Ana, Mónica and Marta (2ºA)
Summary: Excellent Translation: Very good Poster: Great! Presentation: Excellent! Pronunciation: Very good, clear, good level Creativity: Very good Extras: Poster

56 The worst They could have done some more extras…

57 The best Well prepared and organiced Very dinamic presentation

58 Ángel, Johann (2ºB)

59 Ángel, Johann (2ºB) Summary: Bad Translation: ? Poster: Bad
Presentation: Bad Pronunciation: So-so Creativity: ? Extras:

60 The worst So much intelligence for so little… Lazy, lazy boys…

61 The best What they could have done

62 “Shopping”

63 Paula and Claudia (2ºA)

64 Paula and Claudia (2ºA) Summary: Bad Translation: OK Poster:Bad
Presentation: So-so Pronunciation: Bad Creativity: Normal Extras: Perfum, cooking recipe

65 The worst The nervous

66 The best The extras

67 Julia, Ángela, Noelia and Susi (2ºB)

68 Julia, Ángela, Noelia and Susi (2ºB)
Summary: Good Translation: Very good Poster: Good Presentation: Good/ so-so Pronunciation: Normal (Good) Creativity: Excellent! Extras: 2 cooking recipes, perfum, costumes…

69 The worst The pronunciation was not good sometimes…

70 The best So much creativity

71 “In the army”

72 Antonio, Víctor and Sergio (2ºA)

73 Antonio, Víctor and Sergio (2ºA)
Summary: Good (a lot of content) Translation: So-so Poster: Normal Presentation: Good Pronunciation: Normal/bad. Creativity: Very good Extras: Costumes, cooking recipe

74 The worst Víctor had to read…

75 The best Nice costumes (Víctor and Sergio)
The speech of Antonio ( a lot of content)

76 “Father know best”

77 Isa and sara (2ºB)

78 Isa and Sara (2ºB) Summary: Very good Translation: Good
Poster: Excellent Presentation: Very good Pronunciation: Very good Creativity: OK Extras: San Valentin

79 The worst We missed the play…

80 The best They used their own words (they knew what they said)
Very interesting

81 “Work like a slave”

82 Alejandro Martín (2ºB)

83 Alejandro Martín (2ºB) Summary: Translation: Poster: Presentation:
Pronunciation: Creativity: Extras:

84 The worst ?

85 The best ?

86 “In the army”

87 Alejandro Olmo y Andrei (2ºB)

88 Alejandro Olmo y Andrei (2ºB)
Summary: Bad Translation: Bad Poster: So-so Presentation: Bad Pronunciation: Bad Creativity: Bad Extras: Cooking recipes

89 The worst They know…

90 The best The food



93 And the winner is…

94 Grades

95 CLASIFICATION (from 0 to 3)

96 2ºA 1. Carla and Mara (2,75) 2. Ana, Marta and Mónica (2,75)
3. Marta Esteban (2,75) 4. Lucía Trigueros (2) 5. Antonio, Víctor and Sergio (1,9) 6. Helena, Carmen, Lidia (1,8) 7. Paula y Claudia (1,4) 8. Laura, Sabina y María (1,3) 9. Daniel, Mario and Raúl (1)


98 2ºA Sabina (12 votes) Carla y Mara (10 votes)
Lidia, Helena y Carmen (9 votes)


100 Jesús, Álvaro y Álex 2ºB (2,25)
Olga, Conchi y Tania 2ºB (2,1) Lucía 2ºA (2) Antonio, Víctor and Sergio 2ºA (1,9) Helena, Carmen, Lidia 2ºA (1,8) Ángela, Esther y Jazmín 2ºA (1,5) Paula y Claudia 2ºA (1,4) Daniel, Mario and Raúl 2ºA (1) Andrey y Alejandro 2ºB (0,9) Ángel y Johann 2ºB (0,75) Alejandro Martín y Gerardo 2ºB (0)

101 Valentín and Joaquín 2ºB (3)
Lucía, Marta y Helena 2ºB (2,9) Carla y Mara 2ºA (2,75) Ana, Marta y Mónica 2ºA (2,75) Marta 2ºA (2,75) Ana y Aurora 2ºB (2,6) Noelia, Susi, Julia y Ángela 2ºB (2,55) Sara e Isa 2ºB (2,4)


103 2ºA Sabina (12 votes) Carla y Mara (10 votes)
Lidia, Helena y Carmen (9 votes)

104 2ºB Susi, Noelia, Julia y Ángela (Flan): 11 votes
Valentín y Joaquín (salad): 10 votes Jesús (8 votes)

105 The end

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