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CAA Hierarchy of Concepts Applied to EDI EDI CAA Metadata ICD Outline EDI Basics EDI Data Processing Chain and Output EDI CAA Data Set EDI CAA Main Data Product Parameters Summary E.Georgescu (EDI) CAA Review, ESTEC, 1/6/2005

2 EDI CAA Activities STATUS
EDI CAA progress reports delivered monthly starting June 2004. Latest update of the ICD (Interface Control Document), Issue Draft, Rev. 2 submitted in May, 2005. EDI data product delivery for the year 2001 Total number of EDI CAA data products: 10, due for 2001: 8 - 6 data products for 2001 uploaded to the CAA server using sftp ( secure file transfer protocol) in December 2004.Total upload: GB. - 2 remaining EDI data products that are in CEF (Cluster Exchange Format) were produced and tested in Jan – March 2005 and uploaded after checking with the CAA-tools. Additional upload: 2.25 GB. - AED and AE Calibration files starting Oct 2004 will be delivered to the CAA. Prior this date the configuration of the EDI detectors for ambient mode operations was evolving continuously and the calibration and interpretation of the data can be ambiguous. Hardware: EDI CAA dedicated computer with =460 GB HD capacity acquired and installed. Software: - Production software for the CEF files developed - Caa_tools installed and used E.Georgescu (EDI) CAA Review, ESTEC, 1/6/2005

3 CAA Hierarchy of Concepts
Mission: CLUSTER Observatory: spacecraft Cluster-1, Cluster-2, Cluster-3, Cluster-4 Experiment: AUX ASPOC, CIS, DWP, EDI, EFW, FGM, PEACE, RAPID, STAFF, WHISPER, AUX Instrument: ( Obs*Exp ) Dataset Parameter File EDI Experiment: 1 Instrument: * Obs: 4(3) EDI1, EDI2, EDI3, EDI4(!) ( 2 GDU´s per „ Instrument“ ) Dataset: * Instr: 40(30) Parameter Nr.differs for each dataset File: Nr.differs for each dataset Mostly 1 / day ranging from 1 / month to 1 / 3 hours 30th June 2004 Cluster Science Operations Working Group ICD Next Steps - Standards E.Georgescu (EDI) CAA Review, ESTEC, 1/6/2005

4 EDI CAA Metadata The higher level metadata for: MISSION, OBSERVATORY, EXPERIMENT and INSTRUMENT are contained in the corresponding header-files and are included in the DATASET-header-file which is included on its turn in the CEF-files. The hierarchy is : CEF <- DATASET <- INST <- (OBS, (EXP <- MISSION)), where <- means “includes”. The CEF-files include the DATASET metadata, which includes INST. INST includes both OBS and EXP and EXP includes MISSION. The filenames for the header-files containing the higher level metadata are summarized in the following Table 4.6 (# = 1,2,3,4 is the spacecraft numder) Metadata Header filename Example Nr of files MISSION CL_CH_MISSION.ceh 4.6.1 1 OBSERVATORY C#_CH_OBS.ceh 4.6.2 4 EXPERIMENT CL_CH_EDI_EXP.ceh 4.6.3 INSTRUMENT C#_CH_EDI#_INST.ceh 4.6.4 MISSION and OBSERVATORY metadata are common to all CAA products. EXPERIMENT and INSTRUMENT set characterize all EDI data products. E.Georgescu (EDI) CAA Review, ESTEC, 1/6/2005

5 Interface Control Document
Table of Contents 1. Purpose 2. Points of Contact 3. Instrument Description Science Objectives Hardware Overview Data Processing Chain Instrument Data Products 4. Data Provision - General Conventions 5. Data Provision - Specific Descriptions 6. Documents - References E.Georgescu (EDI) CAA Review, ESTEC, 1/6/2005

6 EDI Basics (1): Principle and Operation Modes
EDI Basics (1): Principle and Operation Modes The Electron Drift Instrument (EDI) measures the drift velocity of artificially injected electron beams. From this drift velocity that, by definition, is directed perpendicular to the magnetic field, the perpendicular electric field can be deduced. This operation mode is called ED Electron Drift, EF Electric Field or WW Windshield Whiper(1). Each instrument consists of 2 pairs of gun-detector units placed diametrically opposed. Electrons fired by one gun are detected by the diametrically opposed detector. If the guns are turned off, the ambient electrons can be detected, i.e. EDI operates in the AE Ambient Electron mode(2). 2 EDI operation modes: WW (active) and AE (passive) E.Georgescu (EDI) CAA Review, ESTEC, 1/6/2005

7 EDI Basics (2): Measurement Techniques in WW Mode
EDI Basics (2): Measurement Techniques in WW Mode EDI uses 2 techniques in the WW mode to measure the electron drift : Triangulation Time-of-flight Both techniques are attempted for every analysis interval.Both drift step results are assigned a quality flag (good/caution/bad) based on some criteria. The two results are compared to one another, and based on estimated error measurements, one will be assigned the “winner” and the other the “loser”. Through triangulation, one directly determines the ‘drift-step’ vector d, which is the displacement of the electrons after one gyration. The Time-of-Flight measurement provides as a by-product the gyro-time Tg that is related to the magnetic field magnitude through universal constants E.Georgescu (EDI) CAA Review, ESTEC, 1/6/2005

8 EDI Data Processing Chain and Output
ONBOARD GROUND SCIENCE SW OUTPUT SW OUTPUT SW OUTPUT EGD RDM wwconv (C) caa_editof (IDL) (ESOC) HK TM NM TM BM TM QSTAT MSF qstat (C) MSF (GCDC) PP PPplus MPD EDI_PISO (IDL) FGM Data C3-3h Survey Plots SurveyPlot (IDL) PICK LIBRARY(IDL) AE Calfiles AED AE (IDL) E.Georgescu (EDI) CAA Review, ESTEC, 1/6/2005 SW DATA Software TBA for documentation (white on green) Data product TBA = to be archived (white on blue)

Merged Science Files HK+NM+BM Telemetry FORMAT = binary PP Prime Parameter - spin resolution Winners with good/caution quality FORMAT = CDF AUXILIARY DATA PPplus Prime Parameter plus – spin resolution Winners plus losers with all qualities ( good/caution/bad ) FORMAT = CDF QSTAT Quality STATistics Files Beam tracking performance FORMAT = ASCII MPD Merged Parameter Data Merged one-, half- and quarter- spin resolution Winners with good/caution/bad quality FORMAT = CDF EGD Electron Gyrotime Data Electron Time-Of-Flight FORMAT = CEF AED Ambient Electron Data Relative Electron Fluxes at 0,90,180 degrees pitch angles FORMAT = CDF AE Calibration files Used to convert raw counts to relative particle fluxes FORMAT = ASCII AE Calfiles 3h Survey Plots 3-hourly Survey Plots MPD + AED for one spacecraft (usually C3) FORMAT = PNG CaveatList Caveat List Time intervals of EDI WW & AE operation modes FORMAT = CEF E.Georgescu (EDI) CAA Review, ESTEC, 1/6/2005

10 EDI CAA Data Set (acronyms and filenaming conventions)
NR CAA product acronym File type Present filename Possible CAA naming convention compliant filenames 1 PP CDF C#_PP_EDI_yyyymmdd_Vvv.cdf Present name - OK 2 PPP C#_PPP_EDI_yyyymmdd_V00.cdf C#_PP_EDI_PLUS__yyyymmdd_Vvv.cdf 3 MPD c#_mp_edi_yyyymmdd_v13.cdf C#_CP_EDI_MP__yyyymmdd_Vvv.cdf 4 AED c#_amb_edi_yyyymmdd_vii.cdf C#_CP_EDI_AE__ yyyymmdd_Vvv.cdf 5 3hSPLOT PNG EDI_hh_hh_yyyymmdd_Caution.png CL_CG_EDI_SPlot__yyyymmdd _hh00_hh00_Vvv.png 6 EGD CEF C#_CP_EDI_EGD__yyyymmdd_Vvv.cef 7 CLIST C#_CQ_EDI_yyyymmdd_Vvv.cef 8 QSTAT ASCII yymmddeq.0a# Name used internally by software 9 AECalf TBD 10 MSF Binary yymmddem.0a# E.Georgescu (EDI) CAA Review, ESTEC, 1/6/2005 # = 1,2,3 (4) is the spacecraft id-number, vv or ii = version number, yy & yyyy = 2, resp. 4 digits for year, mm = month, dd = day, hh = start and end time (hour)

11 EDI CAA Main Data Product Parameters
EDI CAA Main Data Product Parameters PP file variables (“winners”only) PP-Plus file variables Epoch__C1_PP_EDI Epoch__C1_PPP_EDI Status__ V_ed_xyz_gse__ E_xyz_gse__ E_xyz_gse Reduced_chi_sq__ Drift_step_mag__ Drift_step_mag_error_inertial__ Drift_step_azi_error_inertial__ Nbeam__ Status_loser__ V_ed_xyz_gse_loser__ E_xyz_gse_loser__ Reduced_chi_sq_loser__ Drift_step_mag_loser__ Drift_step_mag_error_interial_loser__ Drift_step_azi_error_inertial_loser__ Nbeam_loser__ The Merged Parameter Data (MPD) files contain the same variables as the PP files E.Georgescu (EDI) CAA Review, ESTEC, 1/6/2005

12 EDI CAA Activities SUMMARY
EDI CAA progress reports delivered monthly starting June 2004. ICD, latest update, Issue: Draft, Rev. 2, submitted in May, 2005. EDI data product delivery for the year 2001: - 6 EDI data products (MSF, QSTAT, MPD, PP, PPplus, 3hPlots) and reference documentation (AnnGeo_FirstResults.pdf, AnnGeo_JQuinn1669.pdf, EDIum_i3r5.pdf, EDIumApp_i3r5.pdf) uploaded to the CAA server using sftp ( secure file transfer protocol) in December Total upload: GB. - 2 remaining EDI data products (EGD, CLIST) for the year 2001 that are in CEF (Cluster Exchange Format) were produced and tested in Jan – March 2005 and uploaded after Filenaming Convention Document and Metadata Dictionnary release and checking with the CAA-tools. The CLIST(CaveatList) files contain time intervals (start and end time) of WW (windshield whiper) and AE (ambient electron) operation modes of the EDI and include CAVEATS for mission, experiment and observatory (upload: 2.25 GB). - AED, starting Oct 2004, and AE Calibration files planned for delivery in 2006. Hardware for EDI CAA acquired and installed. Software: - Production software for the CEF files developed - Caa_tools installed and used E.Georgescu (EDI) CAA Review, ESTEC, 1/6/2005

13 EDI CAA Future Activities
EDI CAA monthly progress reports delivery to be continued. First non-draft ICD to be finalized EDI data production and delivery for the years 2002 and 2003 (8 data products) TBD this year conforming to ICD Documentation to be updated in the CAA Hardware and Software: no changes planned E.Georgescu (EDI) CAA Review, ESTEC, 1/6/2005

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