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Ziyarat e Arbaeen.

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Presentation on theme: "Ziyarat e Arbaeen."— Presentation transcript:

1 Ziyarat e Arbaeen

2 Peace be on you, O friend of Allah and his beloved.

3 Peace be on you, O close friend of Allah,
and his distinguished (servant).

4 Peace be on you, O chosen one of Allah, and the son of his chosen one.

5 Peace be on you O Husayn, the oppressed, the martyr.

6 Peace be on you, O prisoner of sorrows and the one killed mercilessly.

7 O Allah, I bear witness that And the son of your friend.
He is you friend, And the son of your friend.

8 And son of your chosen one
He is your chosen one, And son of your chosen one the one who has achieved salvation through Your grace.

9 You have honored him with martyrdom, And have presented him happiness,

10 You have chosen him through a pure birth
and made him the chief of chiefs, the leader of leaders and the defender of defenders (of religion).

11 You gave him the inheritance of the Prophets,
And made him Your proof over creation, From the successors.

12 So he fulfilled the call And provided the advice, And spent his efforts in Your way to save Your servants from ignorance and the confusion of deviation.

13 and sold his share (of eternal bliss) for
Those who have been incited by the worldly life have supported and advised others against him, and sold his share (of eternal bliss) for the lowest bargain

14 and bought his hereafter for a low price,
and was arrogant and brought low by his desires.

15 And angered You and Your Prophet, and obeyed from among Your servants,
the unfortunate ones and the hypocrites, the bearers of burdens (of sins) inviting (themselves) to the fire.

16 So he fought them in Your way, patiently, Expecting (Your pleasure),
Until his blood was shed in Your obedience, And his family was violated.

17 O Allah, curse them with a great cursing, And punish them with a painful punishment. Peace be on you, O son of the Messenger of Allah

18 Peace be on you, O chief of the successors
Peace be on you, O chief of the successors. I bear witness that you are the trusted one of Allah and the son of his trusted one.

19 You lived a virtuous life and you passed away in a praiseworthy way and you have died as a ill-treated martyr.

20 I am certain that Allah will fulfill what He has promised you, and he will destroy those who humiliated you and punish those who killed you.

21 I bear witness that you fulfilled the pledge of Allah,
And you struggled in his way until certitude (death) came to you.

22 May Allah curse those who killed you, and those who oppressed you,
and the nation that heard it and were pleased.

23 O Allah, I ask You to witness that
I am a friend of whoever befriends him, I am an enemy of whoever is his enemy.

24 May my Father and Mother be sacrificed for you,
O son of Messenger of Allah.

25 I bear witness that you were a light in lofty loins and purified wombs
I bear witness that you were a light in lofty loins and purified wombs. Paganism did not taint you with its impurity, nor did the darkness (of ignorance) cover you with its cloak.

26 I bear witness that you are from the pillars of religion,
and the leaders of the Muslims, and the refuge of the believers,

27 I bear witness that you are the Imam (who is ),
the upright, the pious, well-pleased (with Allah), the pure, the guide, and the rightly-guided.

28 And I bear witness that the Imams from your progeny are the maxims of piety, the signs of guidance, the strong rope and the proofs of Allah over the people of the world.

29 And I bear witness that I believe in you, and am certain about your return, and about the laws of my religion, and the results of my deeds

30 Then (I am) with you, (and always) with you
My heart is obedient to your hear,t and my affair is in line with your affair, my help is ready for you until (the time when) Allah gives you permission, Then (I am) with you, (and always) with you not with your enemies.

31 Ameen, Lord of the worlds.
Blessings of Allah be on you, and on your souls, and your bodies on those who are manifest, and those who are hidden. Ameen, Lord of the worlds.


33 Peace be on you, O Messenger of Allah.
May Allah grant you the best of consolation on (the loss of) your son Husayn.

34 Peace be on you, O Fatima. May Allah grant you the best of consolation on the loss of your son Husayn.

35 Peace be on you, O Ameeral Mu’mineen. May Allah grant you best of
consolation on the loss of your son Husayn.

36 Peace be on you, O Abu Muhammad, Al Hasan,
May Allah grant you the best of consolation on the loss of your brother Husayn.

37 السلام عليك يا أبا عبد الله وعلى الأرواح التي حلت بفنائك ،
عليك مني سلام الله أبداً ما بقيت وبقي الليل والنهار، السلام على الحسين وعلى علي بن الحسين وعلى أولاد الحسين وعلى أصحاب الحسين


39 Imam Redha (a.s)'s Dome

40 Imam Redha (a.s)'s Shrine

41 Bibi Masuma e Qum (a.s)'s Shrine



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