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The Properly Functioning Body of Christ According to Romans 12

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1 The Properly Functioning Body of Christ According to Romans 12
Scripture Reading: III John 1-14

2 Introduction There is to be coordination and equality among the members of the Body of Christ, under the direction and control of the Head, the Lord Jesus Christ. Christ hates the lack of coordination and inequality of the members that some believers, or unbelievers, teach (cf. Rev 2:6, 15).

3 Properly Functioning Spiritual Gifts (Rom 12:3-8)
Properly functioning gifts (vs 6-8) Prophecy Ministry Cf Eph 4:12 Teaching Members of one another Exhorting Giving (without notice) Organizing (with earnest care) Mercy (with cheerfulness)

4 Properly Functioning Character Toward One Another (Rom 12:9-17)
Unhypocritical love (vs 9) No selective love by the members toward each other Jn 13:34; Gal 2:11-13 Abhor the malignant evil (vs 8) Isa 5:20 Cling to the good

5 Properly Functioning Character Toward One Another (Rom 12:9-17)
The brotherly love; used only of believers (vs 10) Agape love and brotherly love always go together cf I Thess 4:9; I Pet 1:22; II Pet 2:7 Being warmly fond While preferring one another in the honor (value) Phil 2:3-4 Not shrinking in diligence, or flagging, in earnest care (vs 11) Burning in the spirit (i.e. not the soul. Spirit should affect the soul, not the soul affecting the spirit)

6 Properly Functioning Character Toward One Another (Rom 12:9-16)
Rejoicing in the hope (vs 12) Hope in present-tense salvation Rom 5:5 Hope in future-tense salvation Rom 8:20-24 Patient in the tribulation, i.e. pressure Rom 5:3-4

7 Properly Functioning Character Toward One Another (Rom 12:9-16)
Steadfastly continuing in the prayer Prayer (worship) that also affects other believers cf Rom 15:30 “Father, you know all... You know ____’s situation.” “Father. You are all powerful… You can provide what is necessary.” “Father, You are good… You desire and provide what is best.”

8 Properly Functioning Character Toward One Another (Rom 12:9-16)
Sharing in common to the needs of the saints (vs 13) cf I Jn 3:17 Pursuing the hospitality; fondness of strangers unfamiliar believers cf I Pet 4:9 Bless those that persecute you, and do not curse (wish evil against) Jesus in Lk 23:34 Stephen in Acts 7:59-60

9 Properly Functioning Character Toward One Another (Rom 12:9-16)
Rejoice with the ones rejoicing; weep with the ones weeping cf Phil 2:2; “like-souled” Framework of thinking: “Minding the same thing toward one another” (vs 16)

10 Properly Functioning Character Toward One Another (Rom 12:9-16)
Framework of thinking: “the same thing” (our position in Christ) toward one another Do not frame your mind on high things (of men or the world system But be ‘carried away with’ the things/men of low degree (by humanly-estimated importance) Stop being wise as measured by yourselves Cf Rom 11:25

11 Properly Functioning Reactions Toward Evil Thinking (Rom 12:17-21)
Not returning evil for evil (vs 17) Take thought for good things before all men As far as it rests with you, be at peace with all men (vs 18) Loved ones, don’t avenge yourselves (vs 19) Give place to the wrath God will repay evil treatment cf II Tim 4:14; Deut 32:35

12 Properly Functioning Reactions Toward Evil Thinking (Rom 12:17-21)
Give necessities of food and drink to (any who constitute themselves) an enemy to you (vs 20) Don’t be conquered by the evil; conquer the evil by the beneficial good (vs 21)

13 Conclusion Encourage members of the Body by your actions, words, and lifestyle.

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