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SEND provision.

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1 SEND provision

2 Special Educational Needs
A child or young person has SEN if they have a learning difficulty or disability which calls for special educational provision to be made for him or her. A child of compulsory school age or a young person has a learning difficulty or disability if he or she: • has a significantly greater difficulty in learning than the majority of others of the same age, or • has a disability which prevents or hinders him or her from making use of facilities of a kind generally provided for others of the same age in mainstream schools or mainstream post-16 institutions SEN Code of Practice 2014

3 Formal identification / Diagnosis of SEN
A diagnosis is not needed in order for a child’s needs to be met, what is important is that a child’s needs are met. Many children receive support through SEN provision, without a diagnosis and many children who have a diagnosis may not need any additional SEN support. Applications for adjustments to be made e.g extra time in exams is subject to what the child receives as everyday classroom practice. Note: Parents may choose to work with other outside agencies such as tutors, however as a school we are only able to take advice or deliver interventions from the agencies that we employ.

4 Identification of SEN All teachers are teachers of children with SEN
A child may join the school with identified SEN. Identification of possible SEN may come from monitoring pupil progress- if a child is not making expected progress Shows signs of difficulty in English or Maths From parental /carer concerns

5 Graduated approach

6 Assess plan do review cycle

7 Role of the SENCO SENCO is part time Monday- Wednesday
The Role of the SENCO under part 6 of the SEN Code of Practice 2014 is to coordinate and monitor provision across school for pupils with SEN. This does not mean teach the children or provide in class support. advise teachers and TAs liaise with parents prepares statutory documents such as SEN information report, policies and procedures Liaison with outside agencies and services Track and monitor children’s progress.

8 At Moseley CE SENCO also has these responsibilities
Emotional support – bereavement and loss, divorce and separation, mental health, wellbeing Medical Looked after children/ Adoption

9 Training received during 2016/17
Autism Awareness Anaphylaxis , Asthma, Epilepsy Defibrillator/ CPR Mindfulness/ Wellbeing Visiting other schools- reading and language intervention

10 Involving parents CAT Coffee mornings/ afternoons 1:1 meetings
SEN info report Accessibility plan Playground /phone

11 Statutory documents/ School website
SEN policy SEN information report Bereavement policy Supporting children with medical needs Accessibility plan Reports to governors

12 Outside agencies and services
Pupil and school support (PSS ) Debbie Smart – cognition and learning Communication Autism Team (CAT) Kathryn Houlahan BEPS ( Birmingham Educational Psychology Service (EP) Alexandra Trevis Malachi- Family support - Liz Priestley Health Advisory Service- (School nurse) – Kierah Irvine

13 Tracking and monitoring
Birmingham toolkits for literacy and language or maths Toolkit progress tracker SEN data dashboard EHCP/ statement reviews Teacher assessments 6 weekly pupil progress meetings with SLT and SENCO involvement Comprehensive internal tracking system.

14 Birmingham Literacy and Language Toolkit

15 SEN data dashboard (Example- not our data)

16 Birmingham’s local offer :

17 Any questions/ suggestions?

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