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10 Points Extra Credit: Due Friday

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1 10 Points Extra Credit: Due Friday
Choose a product that is in your home (i.e., shampoo, lotion, etc.) and find the chemical structures for 10 of the chemicals on the label. You may not include water or sodium chloride. You get 1 point for every structure you can find (up to 10). Provide the label, and a table containing the names of the 10 compounds and their structures (a Word document is fine). Do not be tempted to copy someone else… neither of you will receive credit!

2 Isomers and Organic Reactions

3 Isomers [NOT Isotopes!]
Write the chemical formulas and names for the structures below. Isomers are molecules that have the same chemical formula, but have a different structural formula. Formula: Name: Definition of Isomers:

4 Are these isomers? volatile colorless liquid, bp 34oC,
volatile colorless liquid/gas, bp 28oC, colorless gas, bp 9.5oC

5 Organic Reactions Combustion: C3H8 + O2  3CO2 + 4H2O Substitution:
C2H Cl2  C2H5Cl HCl

6 Organic Reactions (cont.)
Addition: C2H H2  C2H6 Esterification: ethanoic acid + ethanol  water ethyl ethanoate

7 Organic Reactions (cont.)
Saponification: fat(ester) + base  glycerol + soap Fermentation: C6H12O6  2C2H5OH CO2

8 Organic Reactions (cont.)
Polymerization Addition Polymerization nCH2CHCl  (CH2CHCl)n Condensation Polymerization CH3OH + CH3OH  CH3OCH3 + H2O

9 Kevlar (C2F4)n Teflon PVC


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