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TEIN update – APAN44 Douglas Harré Chief Engagement Officer

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2 TEIN update – APAN44 Douglas Harré Chief Engagement Officer
Research & Education Advanced Network New Zealand

3 REANNZ is a specialist network
Collaboration and partnership on this scale requires network capacity, high performance, reach and flexibility. These are the features offed by REANNZ and the 117 sister networks like ours around the world. This global partnership of networks provides NZ with access to a global express-path for research and education.

4 National Connectivity
We light our own fibre network nationally 20Gb backbone nationally 100Gbs connections to Australia and USA (and the rest of the world) World’s southernmost (permanent) R&E connection

5 Research & Education Advanced Network NZ (REANNZ) #1
REANNZ is a small govt-owned, non-profit company we connect 8 NZ universities, 8 Research Institutes and 12 Polytechnics plus museums and independent research facilities we have now connected 2 private sector companies with large R&E components 30 staff

6 Research & Education Advanced Network NZ (REANNZ) #1
Govt has just renewed our funding $16M over the next 7 years That’s excellent news for us! That’s about 30% of our required funding – the balance comes from our members (membership subscriptions and services)

7 This is our lovely team as last year’s 10th anniversary event
This is our lovely team as last year’s 10th anniversary event. We have about 28 staff members, mostly network engineering and technical support, with a few people doing corporate support such as accountants, an office manager and of course, communications!

This is what we call our weathermap, a map of the connections around the country and how busy they all are. Blue and green means a low amount of use and as it gets orange and red it means the pipe is being used up. It’s good for us to be in blue and green, ready for that next burst of traffic. This image is only one moment in time, but it changes a lot throughout the day.

9 EXAMPLES 72 hours  55 mins Increases in productivity
Increases in capability (types of work simply not otherwise able to be done) International competitiveness Attraction of talent to NZ By connecting and orchestrating NZ’s R&E ecosystem, we deliver gains in the productivity of our institutions, and the system as a whole. You’ll be familiar with the Cawthron Institute in Nelson, one of NZ’s oldest and largest private research organisations. They regularly send large genomics files from Nelson, to the Federal University of Rio De Janiero. Before they moved to REANNZ, it would take 72 hours to send the data, a day to process, and 72 hours to send the results back. They joined REANNZ 18 months ago, and that time dropped from 72 hours to 55 minutes. Now an iteration of their analysis can be done in a day, instead of a week. REANNZ is a game changer. That means faster discoveries for NZ, and for Cawthron - that also means faster time to market for NZ’s seafood industry. This network platform also allows NZ to do things that would otherwise not be possible. The Square Kilometre Array, one of the world’s largest global science programmes is an obvious example. AUT and Victoria University are involved in precursor work for that programme. This is the type of science that NZ invests in not only to be part of a major discoveries that expand our understanding of our place in the Universe, but that develops new tools and technologies that have major potential for application in other areas; leading to positive spin-offs for NZ’s economy, increasing our international competitiveness. NZ is also able to attract international talent to our shores. Talent follows capital and technology. To attract the right talent to NZ, our researchers and academics need to be able to do here, what they can do at home. They simply won’t come if they can’t do their science or research. 72 hours  55 mins

Managed Connectivity Advisory Services Last Mile Circuits Managed Edge Services Architecture and design Reviews Identity & Access Security Managed Firewall Security Tools, DDoS Science DMZ Tuakiri eduroam Cloud and *aaS Support exploring As well as a high-speed, high-performance network connection, REANNZ also provides products and services such as firewalls, eduroam (which is wifi), 24/7 engineering support, and so on. We talk to our members all the time about what services they would like. We run small pilots and proof of concepts to get it right before we scale up and we run the whole process in an open and transparent way. 27/7/365 Services Support Education & Outreach eResearch education and capability building

11 Examples of collaboration
Univ of Auckland and Chongqing Medical University (ongoing medical research on pre-natal health ) 3 new govt-funded NZ-China Research initiatives announced (water cleanliness, food security and disease control) University Canterbury and Tokyo University - joint earthquake research Massey University – China agriculture and food production research


13 Thank you @reannz

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