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Offensive Line Play– Youth Football

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1 Offensive Line Play– Youth Football

2 Stance -- Use a slight stagger
-- Toe & Instep relationship (slight pigeon toe) -- Inside foot = power foot, outside foot = kick foot -- Keep feet underneath armpits, keep weight on insteps -- Get players to squat into a 2 pt. stance (This will help to teach a consistent knee bend) -- Keep shoulders back, allowing players weight to stay over their hips -- Place dominant hand onto ground -- The off hand can be placed outside of knee

3 Alignment -- Center sets the OL -- Center’s stance is balanced
-- Rest of OL set from Center -- Guards one & half foot splits with heads on the Center’s hip (Except on goal line & short yardage) -- OT & TE will be even with the Guards

4 Pre-snap mindset -- Know the snap count (If you forgot, use “what’s for dinner?” pizza, pizza -- Establish a good alignment, stance, & split, -- From here, we break the whole block down into 1. Approach 2. Contact 3. Follow-through 4. Finish

5 Approach ( The Drive Block)
-- Explode with low pad level (understand that blocking is leverage mechanics) -- Get them to have power angles in their ankles, knees, & hips -- Teach a proper aiming point & the most effective angle of departure -- For the drive block, your aiming point is to get your eyes under the chin of the defender -- Attack defender’s playside number -- 1st step is compact towards gap you are protecting -- Shoot hands on first step

6 Contact -- 2nd step must gain ground past 1st step
-- Keep knees in front of toes (This puts the “DRIVE” in the drive block -- Stay on course -- Contact is made with face, (not head)- front of shoulder pad, & heels of hands -- hands are slightly in front of face -- find the short ribs of the defender with your hands -- Keep thumbs up, fingers out & elbows in

7 Follow-through -- Strain your body through the block
-- Linemen must learn to redirect vs. movement & continue to accelerate feet through the block -- Keep working your hands inside -- Great initial contact does not equal an effective follow- through;

8 Finish -- Impose your will on the defender
-- Your block is not over until the last shrill of the whistle Can teach this block and any others as a progression A. Frame it up- Let them feel & see the block B. Fit & drive- (little resistance by defender) C. Contact to Thud- (moderate resistance 3-4 steps) D. Full-Go- Finish on the whistle

9 Pass Pro Man Protection -- Stay in front of your man
-- Don’t chase your defender (mirror him) -- Have a z in the knee, sink your butt, -- Don’t click heels as you move your feet -- Punch the breast plate of defender & hit on the rise; don’t lower hands in between punches -- Punch is quick boxer’s jab; violent -- Elbows in tight, fingers spread apart, hands in front of face

10 Drills Punch Drill Mirror Drill
Board drills for drive block, reach block, etc… Sled Drills Combo Drills

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