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Gaseous detectors Task Resistive anode Micromegas

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1 Gaseous detectors Task 13.4.2 Resistive anode Micromegas
Preparation for large series production: procedures and tools for large series resistive micromegas anodes

2 Resistive anode techniques
Resistive anode stabilizes Micromegas and allows a charge spreading necessary to improve resolution of Micromegas Can be applied to other MPGDs but necessary for Micromegas Many open ways to be explored to apply the resistive material: screen printing, sputtering, painting, film lamination, etc… Several techniques to measure surface resistivity of a coverlay. Resistive anode techniques

3 Screen printing at Saclay
Saclay MPGD workshop realize Micromegas bulk detector since 3 years. In 2014 the workshop was upgraded with a serigraphy machine in order to manufacture resistive layer on top on PCB before the bulk process. Goal of the screen Saclay: Find the ad hoc process to make thin strips (thin inter strips, < 100 µm) on large surface (600 mm x 600 mm) Realize detectors with nominal resistive strips Make tests with different patterns of resistive coating (strips, plain layer, pad,…), different resistive paste (dilution or carbon adding) and/or silver conductive paste This new machine coming in addition to bulk workshop and serval detector test bench in the same geographic place will allow us to make fast R&D iteration. Screen printing at Saclay

4 The screen-printing machine
The Argon Unostar E machine is a professional tool well suited to the type of resistive polymer to be used. Max possible area : 700 mm * 700 mm Investment : 30 k€ Tests being carried out at the Saclay bulk lab (300 microns pitch) See S. Aune’s talk RD51 The screen-printing machine

5 Project characteristics
Project leader : Stephan Aune Beneficiary : CEA Net EU contribution : 65 k€ Milestones (internal) : Purchase of material, screen design, Screen printing tests (M12), resistivity measurement techniques, tool design and purchase (M24); redaction of the protocol. Reports in RD51. Deliverable : Resistive anode manufacturing (protocols and tools for the large-size and large-scale production of resistive anodes for MICROMEGAS) Project characteristics

6 Gaseous detectors Task 13.4.7 MPGD detectors to industry
Preparation for large series production: standard production protocols of optimized MPGD components to ease technology dissemination

7 Precise etching on large area PCBs (Atlas/NSW, Compass, …)
Multilayer stacking Layers alignment Strips and pitch accuracy over large length (>2m) Gluing process Pillars manufacturing Metrology PCB thickness Bulk (physics and imaging project, industrialization, …) Mapping Resistive layers (Atlas/NSW, Compass, TD2DM2, …) Alternative read-out (Gbar, large area tomo, …) Substrates quality Masks alignment 2D read-out Resistivity homogeneity Multiplexing and mosaïc Large areas Connectics Buried resistors New geometries Roadmap (R&D axis)

8 AIDA2020 Roadmap (timeline)

9 Project characteristics
Project leader : Fabien Jeanneau Beneficiary : CEA Other contributors : CERN, … Net EU contribution : 35 k€ Milestones: Protocol and specifications for MPGD production and quality control (M36) Internal Milestones: orders of detector series to at least two PCB companies (M8) characterization and tests and iterations. Deliverable. Report on working detectors. Project characteristics


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