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Language & Consciousness

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1 Language & Consciousness
Lecture 27

2 Lateralization of Function
Hemispheres specialized process information differently L: “analytic” vs R: “holistic” information shared via commissures Language meaning  Left hemisphere emotional content  Right hemisphere ~

3 Lateralization: Language
Evidence from stroke victims Left hemi. damage aphasias paralysis: right side Right hemi. damage no aphasias paralysis: left side Females less lateralization unilateral lesion  less aphasia ~

4 Mind/Brain Relationship
Monism mind product of brain function Dualsim fundamentally different and separate Split brain  2 minds? commissurotomy Monism? Dualism? ~

5 Split Brain Research Commissurotomy sever corpus callosum Humans
treatment of severe epilepsy Animals also sever optic chiasm only ipsilateral visual inputs No communication b/n hemispheres ~

6 Animal Research Myers & Sperry - Nobel prize
2 consciousnesses in 1 body? Cats & monkeys cut corpus callosum & optic chiasm Completely lateralized visual input left eye  left hemi only right eye  right hemi only Do hemispheres have different experiences? ~

7 Cat Neuroanatomy CC

8 Discrimination Training
Left eye open Discrimination training triangle  press button  reward circle  press button  no reward After learned cover left eye no longer performs task information not available to right hemi 1 hemi learned association other one did not ~

9 Discrimination Training
Differential training left: triangle  reward right: circle  reward no pressing for non-rewarded shape Hemispheres learned different things separate consciousnesses? ~

10 Human Split-Brain Research
Commissurotomy  epilepsy tx optic chiasm intact no apparent deficits contralateral visual inputs Lateralized visual input Tachistoscope or T-scope < 200 msec info to 1 hemisphere ~

11 Human Split-Brain Research
Discrimination training same as animals Verbal identification of objects visual tactile Other interesting phenomenon L & R competition and more ~

12 LVF RVF Speech Mute L R Body Body

13 LVF RVF Normal subject CC intact What did you see? an apple ~

14 LVF RVF Speech L R

15 LVF RVF Normal subject What did you see? a cow info to Left via CC ~

16 LVF RVF Speech Mute L R CC

17 LVF RVF Split-brain CC cut CC What did you see? a cup ~

18 LVF RVF Speech L R

19 LVF RVF Split-brain What did you see? Nothing Why not? ~ CC

20 LVF RVF Speech Mute L R CC

21 I.D. by R. Hemisphere L. Hemi  no knowledge of key
How can R. hemi identify? reach into bag w/ L. hand I.D. the key R. hand cannot I.D. ~

22 LVF RVF Split-brain Speech Mute L R Body Body

23 Paul - Mr. P.S. Split-brain patient R. & L. hemi language
spell w/ L. hand using scrabble letters “I know it wasn’t me that did that.” ~

24 LVF RVF Speech Mute L R CC

25 Paul - Mr. P.S. Point to the object best related to what you see
R. hand  chicken L. hand  shovel “I saw a claw and I picked the chicken, … and you have to clean out the chicken shed with a shovel. “ Confabulation ~

26 Paul - Mr. P.S. T-scope to ask questions Who is your girlfriend?
R & L  same answer Career choice: I want to be a _____. L. hemi.  doctor R. hemi  race car driver 2 consciousnesses in 1 body? ~

27 The Nature of Consciousness
Split-brain  split consciousness? Monism vs. Dualism How do you split a nonphysical entity? supports monist view Brain & Behavior mental states  physiological states ~

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