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The Doppler Effect PHY238Y Lecture 13 References:

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1 The Doppler Effect PHY238Y Lecture 13 References:
Halliday, Resnick, Walker: Fundamentals of Physics, 6th ed., Wiley 2003, Chapter 18 (18.8) Hallett et al.: Physics for the life sciences, 4th ed., 2003, Ch.2 (2.7) Some of the pictures were taken from Hyper Physics: Thanks to dr. Rod Nave for the permission to use the above resource

2 Example (Ear amplifier)
PHY238Y Lecture 13 Hearing: pressure in the cochlear liquid vs. pressure on the eardrum (does human ear really amplifies sound?) Example (Ear amplifier) 1) Calculate the maximum net force on an eardrum due to a sound wave having a maximum pressure of 2* 10-3 N/m2, if the diameter of the eardrum is m. 2) Assuming the mechanical advantage of the hammer, anvil and stirrup is 2, calculate the pressure created on the oval window (Ao = 0.03cm2) 3) Assuming the acoustic impedance of air Zair = 416 N*s/m3; and water Zwater = 1.48*106 N*s/m3, calculate the relative transmission of the oval window to sound waves (stransmitted/sincident).

3 PHY238Y Lecture 13 Absorption of sound: sound waves produce molecular motion in the material they propagate; Friction reduces intensity by energy dissipation. Inside a medium: The attenuation length x0 depends strongly on: frequency and the type of medium involved.

4 Attenuation length (mm)
PHY238Y Lecture 13 Attenuation of sound waves in various media Material Frequency (Hz) Attenuation length (mm) Water 20 105 106 Muscle 4*10-2 Bone 4*10-3 3.5*106 6*10-4

5 PHY238Y Lecture 13 Noise; noise reduction Decrease of sound intensity:
where a is the characteristic dissipation coefficient for a given medium

6 PHY238Y Lecture 13 Sound source is stationary, observer (detector) is moving “into the waves”

7 PHY238Y Lecture 13 Doppler effect for a source at rest (a) and moving (b). Observer (detector) is at rest.

8 PHY238Y Lecture 13 Both detector (observer) and source move
Speed of sound is v Speed of the observer is v0 Speed of the source is vs

9 PHY238Y Lecture 13

10 PHY238Y Lecture 13

11 PHY238Y Lecture 13

12 ? Is Doppler effect an illusion? PHY238Y Lecture 13
J.G. Neuhoff, M.K. McBeath: Am. J. Phys., Vol.65(7), 1997 found out that: Perceptual processing of frequency and intensity interact; Judgments about magnitude and direction of pitch change are influenced by changes in loudness; The intensity of a Doppler-shifted tone rises as the source approaches; loudness changes influence pitch change, so pitch is also perceived to rise ?

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