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The Story of Athena and Medusa

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1 The Story of Athena and Medusa
By: Katie Phetteplace

2 Medusa was once a very beautiful woman
Medusa was once a very beautiful woman. Everyday she boasted of her beauty. Each day her boasts got more and more ridiculous. She made all of the other women very angry and they shamed her every time she boasted. But Medusa didn’t care

3 One day, Medusa walked into a temple of Athena
One day, Medusa walked into a temple of Athena. “Oh how I would make such a better statue than Athena. Everyone was in such shock that they left the temple in case Athena would be angry.

4 After Athena heard this, she came to her temple to see who saying such non-sense.

5 “ My, my. For it was you Medusa who mock my statues
“ My, my. For it was you Medusa who mock my statues. You say that you can make a better statue than me. So I curse so that all who look upon you will turn into statues. You will be the most hideous person alive and live in complete loneliness.”

6 Medusa wouldn’t take such words so she challenged Athena to a war
Medusa wouldn’t take such words so she challenged Athena to a war. And surely Athena won and sent Medusa on her way to live by herself in complete loneliness.

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